Spends too much time on here
+1 to above.Not true. I have cleaned off light blue jean transfer many times on my seats. This assumes the topcoat layer from the leather producer is still in-tact, you use proper products on a regular basis, and hopefully you've been adding your own protection as well. I use Colourlock mild leather cleaner - wipes the jean dye right off. Then I follow up with their Leather Shield product that reduces friction and acts as a protective barrier (you can actually feel this getting in/out of the truck) - goes on wet, but dries quickly and invisibly leaving no residue.
I warned the Mrs. that she can't wear jeans in the truck and I also have done two cleaning/protectorant applications, hoping that the leather conditioner/polish will ward off any transfers that come "by mistake".
It was her choice of interior color so she understands. The issue more so is kids and gkids... Always something, but I didn't want a black interior so I get to clean.
Wait a minute, this is her truck yet I am doing all the cleaning and maintenance, as well as paying for it and arranging the service...

Oh yeah, it's called marriage. I forget..