On the day I purchased my Ram a year ago, I noticed that my front USB's would cycle on and off. Of-course, an appointment was made to get the situation looked at. The tech removed my console, inspected the USB's but could not find where the issue was originating from. He reassembled everything, so that he could return the truck to me while he researched the issue, and low and behold...everything worked the way it should. I have not had an issue with the USB's for a year now. Yesterday, I disconnected my battery to install a Pulsar unit. I noticed today that my USB's were not working. Everything else was fine, just the USB's were non-op. That got me thinking. I'm positive that the tech disconnected my battery a year ago to troubleshoot the USB "electrical" issue. Maybe, when he reconnected the battery, the USB module came on line the way it was supposed to, and the issue resolved itself. So, I decided to disconnect the negative cable for 15 minutes today, then reconnect it. I did not do anything else with the truck. I let it sit for 30 minutes to allow the systems to re-initialize all on their own...I didn't even open the doors. After 30 minutes, I went back outside, started the truck, and wouldn't you know it...EVERYTHING including the USB's are working again. Moral of the story, if you happen to have a truck with faulty front USB's, try doing what I did and see if the module resets itself. May save you some dealership hassle.