It's tough because everything on a forum is going to be one-off experiences. You are right in that given enough time and enough posters you can spot trends, and every vehicle has their spots that give more trouble than normal. Before I got into the Ram I had Titans for 15 years and they were good trucks but also had their weak spots (exhaust manifolds, radiators, hoses, some rear axles, early brakes). For me, I just accept that there's some likelihood that any vehicle is going to have stuff that doesn't work as good as you think/hope it should and weigh that against the cost of fixing and keeping the vehicle. I'm a big fan of vehicles that have durable drivetrains, electrical systems, and body integrity, as these are all really expensive or can be aggravating/impossible to track down. I am more forgiving of having to do brakes more often, or soft paint, low durability interior stuff, etc. So far I've had the Ram almost a year and it's been a really good truck. I don't have 7k on it yet so I don't have a long track record, and it has had a couple of recalls, but it's done well for me as a vehicle. Some of the things people complain about on here I either don't have (no sunroof or e-torque, things I think just add more likelihood of something going wrong) or it doesn't affect/bother me or I haven't noticed it one way or the other (AC not spitting out ice cubes, road noise from the rear cabin, etc). My rear auto braking system thinks asphalt on a hill is an obstruction so I turned it off, but I didn't really care if I had this feature anyway.