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I LOVE 5THGENRAMS Forums but...

I mean... things like dissatisfaction with gas mileage (...subliminal pause --- it's a TRUCK!!)

I keep seeing this pop up and I don't understand it. At what imaginary MPG is a truck owner allowed to complain about MPG? 10 MPG? 5 MPG? 1 MPG? When someone trades in their old truck (Ford/GM/Chevy/Toyota/whatever) for a Ram 1500, and then realizes the 1500 is getting HALF of their old MPG, why are they not allowed to complain? Especially now-a-days when a lot of people use their trucks as their daily drivers. I'm pretty sure anyone buying a truck realizes they're not going to get 50 MPG like a Prius, but so far the MPG does seem to fall behind some of the other half-ton trucks. Does that mean those complaining shouldn't buy a truck? No, but it may mean they end up going with another brand.
I really like the forums as well, but it also has another unpleasant side-effect...... paranoia! :eek:

You think you hear a sound that might be the dreaded ___________ problem. Now you are anxiously listening for that sound instead of enjoying your day.

This happened to me today. Stepped in the truck, turned it on, no display in between the gauges. Just black. I thought holy cow the forums are accurate, this truck broke in the first 100 miles! The display is already bad!

Then I realized my light dial was switched off of auto and it was super dim. Whoops :giggle:. Truck is still good, knock on wood.
Great thread/convo peeps. Never hurts to get thoughts out respectably. It also doesn’t hurt to sit back and read about it also. Being able give/taking someone a different perspective of looking at things, even if not about truck. Also human nature effect/reaction of things that we don’t always see/notice.

Much appreciated and thank you. Always something to learn/relearn on this great forum.
...Sincerely didn't intend to, but undoubtedly knew that I'd rustle at least SOME feathers. Opinions tend to do that. ...and like opinions, "balance and moderation" is subjective. Nonetheless, I take absolutely no offense. Everyone's experience is their own. I'm leaving now to wipe those damned fingerprints off my 12"!!
Wow, you are well endowed! (All I have is 8.4"......lol) :ROFLMAO:
In my past, I was the Human Resources Director....I say to this to get to the point of one of the many duties was the fact that I handled the complaints. I had established a relationship with most of the employees that they would bring all sorts of issues to the table.

Now you could place the complaints on a scale from odd, ridiculous, petty, mild, to serious. Bottom line I addressed them all as important. In the eyes of the workers, I developed the care factor and addressing all of the concerns, everyone felt important and that they and their issues mattered.

I used to call my method addressing all the employees issues as "taking away the excuses" when I was a Manager. This proved useful if done tactfully. Now I would not tell the employees that it was called "taking away the excuses" so as not to offend anyone. I typically went into places already a hot mess and had to fix things. So addressing the issues (prioritizing of course) addressed ligit concerns and then the petty concerns too. At this point the workers had no excuses to perform and productivity typically improved and even with the lazy workers because they no longer had the excuses not to improve/produce. Now this takes time depending on situation but you get my point, it can be effective.

The data from a thousand complaints can be extremely effective in improving a place/company etc...
Of course you want to reduce the complaints (you do want the "thousand" to be just an example and not actual). Perfect example is this very forum. While we all enjoy it for many reasons, RAM (like many other companies investing in "the data") taking the step to place people out in the internet to LISTEN and LEARN what is making their product work and what is killing it. Bottom line this information is being utilized when done right-effectively improving upon their business and relationship with their customers---us!!!

I too have to laugh at the fact that one of the threads I read in here was about the turn signal being too far away from fingers. I have above average hand (according to google of 7.44" average male hand). I laughed when I thought I feel the same way about the turn signal stalk!!! After using it a bit more I discovered that it is not too far away at the intial point of reaching out for it with my finger; its when you go to swipe it to a right turn that the angle it moves is away from the finger and feels like I am losing control of it/the signal stalk as it goes into the right turn blinker position. This sensation is like when you almost drop something and you want to "re-grab" it. Triggering the brain to feel a "fault" is happening. So it makes my finger feel like it is slipping off the control!!!

Yes, it is 5AM and I have a problem of analyzing/dissecting things to the Nth degree....a blessing and curse to live with for sure. So this one grain of a complaint if done right can make its way to those that handle the ergonomics for further review with the RAM engineers. Each grain fully investigated and resolved to isolated incidents/room for improvement/future change; can lead to a rock solid next model.

So, each grain (my play at the granular comments;)) can/will eventually lead to building or sustaining improvements in future RAM's!!! Of course looking at this on a mass scale and developing a product for the average person or the targeted groups still presents its own issues----I still love my RAM!!!

end long rant...time for coffee!!!
I have to say that I lean to the side and thinking of Love2driveRAM. I do understand that we jumped in as early adopters of this new model of RAM truck and that there are going to be issues. And, I want to see what issues others are having. As an issue arises, we can start the record of the issue and the eventual fix/correction. Sometimes its just good to share and see how a particular item is supposed to work or supposed to look.

For example, the light inside of my upper glove box stays on whenever the truck is on and at night, the light shines through the door jamb(?) and can be distracting. I wasn't sure this was how this light is supposed to work so I looked on this forum and there's a good bit of info on it. Turns out, the light inside the glove box should turn off. So, when I took the truck in for the recall work, I also asked them to check the glove box light issue. How the dealership handled that is a different issue. I would not take the truck to the dealership just for the glovebox light.

I love this truck. The glove box light thing is a tiny little issue that doesn't amount to much. On the other hand, if its supposed to work a certain way, I shouldn't have to just accept it not working.
It seems most of those complaints you mention are from folks who either forgot their brand new Ram has a warranty, or are trying to find a fix for their perceived "problem" without a trip to the dealership.


Agree and disagree with you. I found maaaaaaaany times the people at the dealers are useless. I will avoid stop at a dealer at any cost, I will even do the recalls at home if I can. I even found myself giving a "tech" at the service depatment the link of the youtube video where it shows where the problem is located or how to fix it when they can't figure it out. By the way, Im new to the forum and I never complaint for anything yet but I will use any forum advice before go to a dealer, waste a ton of my precious time for nothing, recalls are enought. Just my 2 cents.
In my past, I was the Human Resources Director....I say to this to get to the point of one of the many duties was the fact that I handled the complaints. I had established a relationship with most of the employees that they would bring all sorts of issues to the table.

Now you could place the complaints on a scale from odd, ridiculous, petty, mild, to serious. Bottom line I addressed them all as important. In the eyes of the workers, I developed the care factor and addressing all of the concerns, everyone felt important and that they and their issues mattered.

I used to call my method addressing all the employees issues as "taking away the excuses" when I was a Manager. This proved useful if done tactfully. Now I would not tell the employees that it was called "taking away the excuses" so as not to offend anyone. I typically went into places already a hot mess and had to fix things. So addressing the issues (prioritizing of course) addressed ligit concerns and then the petty concerns too. At this point the workers had no excuses to perform and productivity typically improved and even with the lazy workers because they no longer had the excuses not to improve/produce. Now this takes time depending on situation but you get my point, it can be effective.

The data from a thousand complaints can be extremely effective in improving a place/company etc...
Of course you want to reduce the complaints (you do want the "thousand" to be just an example and not actual). Perfect example is this very forum. While we all enjoy it for many reasons, RAM (like many other companies investing in "the data") taking the step to place people out in the internet to LISTEN and LEARN what is making their product work and what is killing it. Bottom line this information is being utilized when done right-effectively improving upon their business and relationship with their customers---us!!!

I too have to laugh at the fact that one of the threads I read in here was about the turn signal being too far away from fingers. I have above average hand (according to google of 7.44" average male hand). I laughed when I thought I feel the same way about the turn signal stalk!!! After using it a bit more I discovered that it is not too far away at the intial point of reaching out for it with my finger; its when you go to swipe it to a right turn that the angle it moves is away from the finger and feels like I am losing control of it/the signal stalk as it goes into the right turn blinker position. This sensation is like when you almost drop something and you want to "re-grab" it. Triggering the brain to feel a "fault" is happening. So it makes my finger feel like it is slipping off the control!!!

Yes, it is 5AM and I have a problem of analyzing/dissecting things to the Nth degree....a blessing and curse to live with for sure. So this one grain of a complaint if done right can make its way to those that handle the ergonomics for further review with the RAM engineers. Each grain fully investigated and resolved to isolated incidents/room for improvement/future change; can lead to a rock solid next model.

So, each grain (my play at the granular comments;)) can/will eventually lead to building or sustaining improvements in future RAM's!!! Of course looking at this on a mass scale and developing a product for the average person or the targeted groups still presents its own issues----I still love my RAM!!!

end long rant...time for coffee!!!

I've read at least a few similar points, but yours brings it closer to home. Why? Because we share professions (...well, it's still my current profession), and though I would NEVER (even candidly) describe a grievance as "granular" in the workplace, I felt comfortable enough to share my thoughts in THIS space. [My bad!!] ...but again, not to disparage, but to compare. Multiple responses from this thread have offered alternative perceptions, which of course I knew existed, but I also know shouldn't be discounted. So to ALL of you who weren't in agreement--Points well said and well taken! My thinking is not impermeable, and I can be moved. I'm rather obsessed (for lack of a stronger word) with my RAM (as the wifey would suggest), and I'm certain I mentioned in this thread's origin that I wished it were the case for ALL of us. Sadly it is not.

SO, just to let everyone know that I'm still "part of the RAM family," and because I want to get mine in too, here's MY grain: I realize this is a "known issue" with the folks at SiriusXM, but If I have to hear the preview channel ONE MORE TIME, I'm using my "Break Glass In Case of an Emergency" Hammer!!! That'll certainly get rid of the fingerprints too!! :LOL:.
I keep seeing this pop up and I don't understand it. At what imaginary MPG is a truck owner allowed to complain about MPG? 10 MPG? 5 MPG? 1 MPG? When someone trades in their old truck (Ford/GM/Chevy/Toyota/whatever) for a Ram 1500, and then realizes the 1500 is getting HALF of their old MPG, why are they not allowed to complain? Especially now-a-days when a lot of people use their trucks as their daily drivers. I'm pretty sure anyone buying a truck realizes they're not going to get 50 MPG like a Prius, but so far the MPG does seem to fall behind some of the other half-ton trucks. Does that mean those complaining shouldn't buy a truck? No, but it may mean they end up going with another brand.

Perhaps I should've given it clarity, but "My" comparison was about trucks and cars. I've accepted that my 5.7L HEMI won't give me the same or better MPG than my Toyota Yaris. In that context "It's a Truck!"
In my past, I was the Human Resources Director....I say to this to get to the point of one of the many duties was the fact that I handled the complaints. I had established a relationship with most of the employees that they would bring all sorts of issues to the table.

Now you could place the complaints on a scale from odd, ridiculous, petty, mild, to serious. Bottom line I addressed them all as important. In the eyes of the workers, I developed the care factor and addressing all of the concerns, everyone felt important and that they and their issues mattered.

I used to call my method addressing all the employees issues as "taking away the excuses" when I was a Manager. This proved useful if done tactfully. Now I would not tell the employees that it was called "taking away the excuses" so as not to offend anyone. I typically went into places already a hot mess and had to fix things. So addressing the issues (prioritizing of course) addressed ligit concerns and then the petty concerns too. At this point the workers had no excuses to perform and productivity typically improved and even with the lazy workers because they no longer had the excuses not to improve/produce. Now this takes time depending on situation but you get my point, it can be effective.

The data from a thousand complaints can be extremely effective in improving a place/company etc...
Of course you want to reduce the complaints (you do want the "thousand" to be just an example and not actual). Perfect example is this very forum. While we all enjoy it for many reasons, RAM (like many other companies investing in "the data") taking the step to place people out in the internet to LISTEN and LEARN what is making their product work and what is killing it. Bottom line this information is being utilized when done right-effectively improving upon their business and relationship with their customers---us!!!

I too have to laugh at the fact that one of the threads I read in here was about the turn signal being too far away from fingers. I have above average hand (according to google of 7.44" average male hand). I laughed when I thought I feel the same way about the turn signal stalk!!! After using it a bit more I discovered that it is not too far away at the intial point of reaching out for it with my finger; its when you go to swipe it to a right turn that the angle it moves is away from the finger and feels like I am losing control of it/the signal stalk as it goes into the right turn blinker position. This sensation is like when you almost drop something and you want to "re-grab" it. Triggering the brain to feel a "fault" is happening. So it makes my finger feel like it is slipping off the control!!!

Yes, it is 5AM and I have a problem of analyzing/dissecting things to the Nth degree....a blessing and curse to live with for sure. So this one grain of a complaint if done right can make its way to those that handle the ergonomics for further review with the RAM engineers. Each grain fully investigated and resolved to isolated incidents/room for improvement/future change; can lead to a rock solid next model.

So, each grain (my play at the granular comments;)) can/will eventually lead to building or sustaining improvements in future RAM's!!! Of course looking at this on a mass scale and developing a product for the average person or the targeted groups still presents its own issues----I still love my RAM!!!

end long rant...time for coffee!!!
I discovered how a quick push of washer button on end of turn signal stalk gives one wipe cycle without washers spraying. It clears drizzle quick and easy without readjusting wiper "intermittent" or "on" setting when encountering varying road spray or precipitation. Haven't really noticed stalk spacing as a problem.
I have learned so much from this site, way more than I thought I was going to. The A/C issue, I would have never figured that out without this site. Looking at all the different combination of trucks with people's personal style and taste is really. I do have a complaint and that is how unfriendly some people seem or quick to jump down your throat with comments. I have been on several forums over the years that I have enjoyed but this one I feel like I am walking on ice if I start a thread. People take things way to serious or actually waste their time to just come on here and say unnecessary remarks. I feel bad for the newbies who start a thread and all of sudden you get 5 people telling him to do a search when a newbie is trying to strike up convo with the group.
Other than that, I take all the complaints like a grain of salt because I did sell a BMW M3 like 12 years ago because of reading to all the complaints on the M3Forum, now looking at it, maybe it would have been a good car.
I have been on several forums over the years that I have enjoyed but this one I feel like I am walking on ice if I start a thread. People take things way to serious or actually waste their time to just come on here and say unnecessary remarks. I feel bad for the newbies who start a thread and all of sudden you get 5 people telling him to do a search when a newbie is trying to strike up convo with the group.
Funny how different people have different perceptions. I belong to several forums and I've found this one to be the "friendliest" of them all. Sure you have the occasional person that will tell somebody to quit whining or do a search but by and large most posters are helpful and I haven't seen any outright "name calling" like some of the other forums. I've seen many posts that on other forums that the response would be RTFM (read the ****ing manual) when the issue is covered in the owners manual but instead people will copy the section from the owners manual and post it to solve the OPs problem. I really like this forum.
Funny how different people have different perceptions. I belong to several forums and I've found this one to be the "friendliest" of them all. Sure you have the occasional person that will tell somebody to quit whining or do a search but by and large most posters are helpful and I haven't seen any outright "name calling" like some of the other forums. I've seen many posts that on other forums that the response would be RTFM (read the ****ing manual) when the issue is covered in the owners manual but instead people will copy the section from the owners manual and post it to solve the OPs problem. I really like this forum.

THanks for reading my post, I haven't been on those forums, most of them have been super friendly. It sounds like comments on youtube videos, mindless comments I should say.

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