In my past, I was the Human Resources Director....I say to this to get to the point of one of the many duties was the fact that I handled the complaints. I had established a relationship with most of the employees that they would bring all sorts of issues to the table.
Now you could place the complaints on a scale from odd, ridiculous, petty, mild, to serious. Bottom line I addressed them all as important. In the eyes of the workers, I developed the care factor and addressing all of the concerns, everyone felt important and that they and their issues mattered.
I used to call my method addressing all the employees issues as "taking away the excuses" when I was a Manager. This proved useful if done tactfully. Now I would not tell the employees that it was called "taking away the excuses" so as not to offend anyone. I typically went into places already a hot mess and had to fix things. So addressing the issues (prioritizing of course) addressed ligit concerns and then the petty concerns too. At this point the workers had no excuses to perform and productivity typically improved and even with the lazy workers because they no longer had the excuses not to improve/produce. Now this takes time depending on situation but you get my point, it can be effective.
The data from a thousand complaints can be extremely effective in improving a place/company etc...
Of course you want to reduce the complaints (you do want the "thousand" to be just an example and not actual). Perfect example is this very forum. While we all enjoy it for many reasons, RAM (like many other companies investing in "the data") taking the step to place people out in the internet to LISTEN and LEARN what is making their product work and what is killing it. Bottom line this information is being utilized when done right-effectively improving upon their business and relationship with their customers---us!!!
I too have to laugh at the fact that one of the threads I read in here was about the turn signal being too far away from fingers. I have above average hand (according to google of 7.44" average male hand). I laughed when I thought I feel the same way about the turn signal stalk!!! After using it a bit more I discovered that it is not too far away at the intial point of reaching out for it with my finger; its when you go to swipe it to a right turn that the angle it moves is away from the finger and feels like I am losing control of it/the signal stalk as it goes into the right turn blinker position. This sensation is like when you almost drop something and you want to "re-grab" it. Triggering the brain to feel a "fault" is happening. So it makes my finger feel like it is slipping off the control!!!
Yes, it is 5AM and I have a problem of analyzing/dissecting things to the Nth degree....a blessing and curse to live with for sure. So this one grain of a complaint if done right can make its way to those that handle the ergonomics for further review with the RAM engineers. Each grain fully investigated and resolved to isolated incidents/room for improvement/future change; can lead to a rock solid next model.
So, each grain (my play at the granular comments

) can/will eventually lead to building or sustaining improvements in future RAM's!!! Of course looking at this on a mass scale and developing a product for the average person or the targeted groups still presents its own issues----I still love my RAM!!!
end long rant...time for coffee!!!