Yea, when I was about 17, I came out of a store at the mall and my car was gone. I was freaked out. Someone stole my car. Crap, now what? Where's a payphone so I can call the cops? (Yes kids, there was a time when you did not have a phone in your pocket)
Then I thought, hold on. Who would steal a Pinto?!? Yea, I parked on the other side of the store I came out of......

A few weeks later I was messing around and a friend and I saw another buddy that had a Pinto when we stopped at a 7-11. I was put my key in his door and Shazam! It worked. We hopped in his car waved to him and started driving off. He was stunned looking at his keys in his hand. Then it dawned on him that the keys were the same and he chased me down in my car. That was a good laugh.