What's Tazer dt?Tazer dt will let you auto fold when engine turned off.
Several threads on here about it. Basically allows you to modify certain settings that FCA doesn't provide like auto folding the mirrors.What's Tazer dt?
So what does the Tazer DT do with regards to these things?Tazer dt will let you auto fold when engine turned off.
Read up on the Tazer DT here: https://www.zautomotive.com/product/tazer-dt/?v=7516fd43adaaSo what does the Tazer DT do with regards to these things?
Disable Fog lamp dropout
Set LED 3rd brake light type
Set LED Fog light type
Set LED tail lamp type
Set LED front turn signal type
I am assuming the fog light drop out is that they stay on when the brights are on?
I did read it and was going to call and ask them questions but they want freakn text messages only.Read up on the Tazer DT here: https://www.zautomotive.com/product/tazer-dt/?v=7516fd43adaa
It enables many things to include auto mirror folding when powering off. And if you're into this sort of thing, you can program light shows as seen in this youtube video:
I don't have it yet, but I am about to order one. I will tell you my understanding is that when you start your truck they will expand outward and when you shut it off, they will fold back in. I have also read that you can program the fog lights to stay on with the high beams but until I have mine maybe a current owner can chime in. Additionally you may be able to extract that info from one of the forums in here. I'll be more than happy to try anything out once I get mine.I did read it and was going to call and ask them questions but they want freakn text messages only.
Just was curious if it let the fogs stay on with the high beams. The folding mirrors on shutoff would be fine but will the open on start or do you have to do it everytime?
Spoken by someone who doesn't park in a tight garage.seems silly to have them fold in when parking at home.
Mirrors fold out on starting, and yes you can have the fogs stay on with high beams.I did read it and was going to call and ask them questions but they want freakn text messages only.
Just was curious if it let the fogs stay on with the high beams. The folding mirrors on shutoff would be fine but will the open on start or do you have to do it everytime?
That light show thing is ridiculous. Why would I want to do that?Read up on the Tazer DT here: https://www.zautomotive.com/product/tazer-dt/?v=7516fd43adaa
It enables many things to include auto mirror folding when powering off. And if you're into this sort of thing, you can program light shows as seen in this youtube video:
I'm not sure I see tons of uses either, but it might be good if you are pulled off the side of the road in a snowstorm.That light show thing is ridiculous. Why would I want to do that?
I don't have one, but I would imagine people who get it do so for multiple features that make it worth it to them. I think it does speedo calibration and allows for other customizations too. But yea, if folding mirrors was the only thing you wanted, that would be a high price to pay. That said, the value people put on things is subjective and different for everyone. The money I have spent on cosmetic changes on my truck is a perfect example. It works for me because it was important to me, to others it would be considered a waste of money (my wife included330 bucks to avoid pushing a button?
That light show thing is ridiculous. Why would I want to do that?