I think i found the solution!
A thicker filter with Activated Carbon!
It prevents from bacteria to grow on the filter, traps any bacteria particles and kills them before getting to the evap system.
I think the main issue with the OEM filter is that it lets too much air to flow and the HVAC system need to compensate for it by working extra hard to cool this air, that's why the evaporator has mold growing on it and it smells funky. This filter restrict some of the flow so it's not blowing as hard but it's more than enough.
My A/C smelled like crap the las few weeks and i thought, maybe a good high quality filter will do the trick. I used to get carbon filters for my explorer and never thought it would help with the Ram until i read about it, what it's for and everything. Bought the filter 3 weeks ago and my car smells amazing ever since. I always smell the air freshener when i open the door and especially when i start the truck, which was never the case, even when it didn't smell bad, it never smelled that good.
I recommend anyone with this issue to get this filter and try it. It's amazing!