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Fingers Crossed...Brake Squeal Resolved


Aug 14, 2018
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I think (praying and crossing fingers) that the brake squeal on my truck has been resolved, once and for all, after 4 times to the dealer.

I had the same brake squealing that A LOT of people have been complaining about. Typically happened with light press of the brake going between 45-70 mph, but there was also plenty of other times it made noise outside those conditions. For whatever reason mine seemed to be the loudest the hotter and dryer it was outside.

The first trip to the dealership there was a lot of brake dust so they just cleaned the rotors and pads, and bedded the brakes. They drove it, but didn't hear the sound after that. Naturally, on my way home they started squealing.

The second trip to the dealership they resurfaced the rotors and scuffed up the pads to get rid of any glazing, and bedded them again. Again when they drove it afterwards they said they didn't hear any noise. However, the brakes squealed on the way home from the dealership.

The third trip to the dealership they were squealing loud, but they thought it was the rear brakes. They got Ram to send new rotors and pads to replace the rear brakes. They bedded the brakes, didn't hear any noise, but again I heard the noise on my drive home.

I always thought the sound was from the front passenger brake, but a friend thought it was the rear, so when they thought it was the rear, I assumed they knew what they were talking about. Once the sound continued after the rears were replaced, I pushed them to replace the front pads and rotors.

I saw on this site and others that there were new brake pads that Ram was starting to use, so I showed the picture of the difference in pads to the service department. They were unaware of the change in pads, so they contacted Ram and they sent them new rotors and pads for the front.

They were replaced on Friday, and so far no noise. I've driven several places where they would squeal almost 100% of the time, and no noise. I have less than 100 miles on them, so time will tell, but the more I drive with them the more confident I get that the new pads/rotors have resolved the issue.

For those that have the noise, don't let the dealer tell you it's normal. I know some brake noise is normal, but this noise was not normal. I've attached the picture that I got from this site that I showed my service department (thank you for whoever originally posted it).
Attached Thumbnails


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    Screen Shot 2018-08-26 at 8.43.36 PM.png
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That’s my picture I took I thought it was the rear too at first. Then I thought it was the passenger front as you thought too. I’ve gone about 1200 now, still good. I’m confident you will be as well. I just resurfaced the rotors, didn’t get them replaced. The finish on the rotors looks like crap since new, but I think the pads were the issue.
That’s my picture I took I thought it was the rear too at first. Then I thought it was the passenger front as you thought too. I’ve gone about 1200 now, still good. I’m confident you will be as well. I just resurfaced the rotors, didn’t get them replaced. The finish on the rotors looks like crap since new, but I think the pads were the issue.

Thanks again for posting that picture. I think that really helped my dealership get to the root of the issue. Glad to hear you’re still noise free after 1,200 miles.
That drive home from the dealer sounds crapy, glad you found a fix and a good heads up, thank you.
I got my rear replaced about two weeks ago and drove for like a week and now they are squeaking like crazy still I think it's the front but they say its still the rear
Mine's at the dealer right now hopefully getting the issue resolved. Used this post as well as a quote from another customers tech line to help them get down to the issue at hand. This is the second time it's gone in for this and I'm praying they get it knocked out, it's day 3 of them having it so they are obviously doing something more than the "clean brakes and grease hardware" they did the first time around. I'll bet they had to order the new pads which is the hold up.
How's everyone's brakes who had the new pads installed?
I have an order in for a truck now. Do you think mine will come with the upgraded pads?
I'm taking mine to the dealership on Thursday, to hopefully get the pads replaced. Just to be clear, the "new" pads are the ones on the left in that picture (with the larger space in the middle), right?
I’m hoping they are building the trucks with the new pads now
I wonder if they have changed the pads on the new builds? You would think after dealers demoing these cars for 4mo and experiencing this problem, a simple fix like different pads will enter into the supply chain.
Yes the pads on the left are the new version that are quiet. Hopefully they have been put into the production line, but who knows.
I have an appointment on Wednesday to look at the driver side pads that are so loud when breaking. Of corse the dealer has never heard of this and said they are not sure what can be done. Do you have a part number for the new pads? Also, do they machine the rotors or should I ask to have them replaced? I only have 4k miles on the truck so I don't really know whats needed?
Part number was the same as original on the fronts at the time mine were done. My rotors were lightly resurfaced.
Part number was the same as original on the fronts at the time mine were done. My rotors were lightly resurfaced.
I think the picture will help for sure and I'll print it and bring it in to make sure they don't replace with the old ones.
5400 miles and no squeal. I was curious which pads mine had since it is a May build. Had my wheels balanced last week for a slight vibration over 70 MPH. Took a look at the pads while the wheels where off and I have the old pads.

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