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Extended warranty cost?

I bought mine 8/125k through Ziegler Last April. Paid $2105.00 with a $200.00 deductible. With all the electronics in my truck I have to cover my azz. I have the Lifetime Maxcare on my Grand Cherokee Summit. Lifetime is No longer offered. This was the Gold Standard in Extended Warranties.
If you purchase it as soon as you can you get the best price. I took my VIN and purchased it the day I took my car home.
Maybe someone has a Ziegler Discount Code to share with you.

*** One of the best perks of the warranty is the loaner cars. ***
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Something I've been trying to figure out. Do these plans take over the warranty we currently have, or are they in addition to it? So if I buy a 7/100k is that after the factory runs out?
The extended warranty starts day 1, it runs concurrently with the factory warranty. It does NOT start after the factory warranty ends.
i got 150k mile/unlimited time with 100$ deductibles "bumper to bumper" through ally for 2,500$ if i remember.. i understand it has roadside assistance with it aswell
The extended warranty starts day 1, it runs concurrently with the factory warranty. It does NOT start after the factory warranty ends.
'Day 1' is the day you bought the truck. If you buy an 8 year plan it will go 5 years beyond the bumper to bumper warranty (assuming you don't hit the mileage cap first).

That's why many people don't get one, especially if they don't rack up a lot of miles. My dad drives maybe 8K a year but got the 8 year plan because even 7 years from now parts are going to be expensive.

I went with the 7 year plan because I wanted unlimited miles (I drive 25-30K miles a year). IMO it was a good deal for me since my bumper to bumper is going to expire at the 18 month point (and my powertrain a year after that) but the extended warranty will carry me another 5 1/2 years. I got the 7 years / unlimited miles/ $100 deductible for just under $3K. Seems like a lot but if one of my 75 computers dies before 2026 it will pay for itself.

Of all the research I did I came across 4 places that were pretty close. Here's the post I did awhile back about them: https://5thgenrams.com/community/th...ur-extended-warranty-canada.7189/#post-214288

I ended getting one from Ziegler as they were pretty much selling at cost when I purchased.
Real question.. Are these for real? I am probably going to sign for a truck tomorrow and this would save about 2k from what the dealer is offering.

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Dealers rip you off on everything you can add including warranty's. The only advantage of buying one from them is they can add the warranty cost into what you are financing. Still not worth it in my opinion since even the site I provided above will allow you to pay monthly for the warranty.
I bought the extended warranty through the dealer; 8yr -80K w/$100 ded. for $1950. Long story short, after researching deals around the country, I went in and just planned on a test drive. But I ended up buying. I hadn't checked into extended warranties and I thought the offering was the standard from Ram but now see there were options. Comparing what I got with GARebel19's link, I see I overpaid on a comparable plan listed with more miles ($1885 for 85K). A mistake on my part but live and learn.
I can't believe you got that good of a deal on that warranty at the dealer. Mine tried to sell me a 8yr 60K for $2,300. That was after trying to sell me a warranty with a 3rd party company that was about the same price.

For those that bought a warranty at the dealer and you have regrets you should know you can always cancel the warranty and get your money back. The dealer won't be happy and they will make you come in to sign paperwork but they can't refuse you canceling it.
And watch out as some dealer financial depts try to sell 3rd party extended warranties to maximize their profits per sale.

These days It might be good to consider how manufacturer extended warranty's fair gawd forbid FCA goes bankrupt.
After GM's 2009 bankruptcy the US Treasury backed warranties up to $360million per wiki. I bet it didn't cover all claims which probably impacts longer term extended warranties more than the typical 3 yr/36k mile new vehicle policies.
Real question.. Are these for real? I am probably going to sign for a truck tomorrow and this would save about 2k from what the dealer is offering.

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Food for thought. When we purchased our Chrysler 200 we bought the bumper to bumper unlimited warranty from the factory. Saved us big time. Turned out it had one of the V6’s they left casting sand in. Short story Factory denied it was their fault but because of the warranty it was repaired by the Dealer. That warranty was about $2600/$200 deductible. It never expires and they will buy the car back when repairs exceed bluebook. My 2019 Big horn was around $3K for 7 years 150K miles. On the other hand I purchased an aftermarket warranty on my 2007 2500 and when I hit the end of it without any warranty issues. I was sent a check for $2400. It pays to read the fine print and see what’s out there. It changes all the time. The last 2 are $500 deductible.
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Thanks for the info GARebel19. The finance guy said it was usually $2500 from what I remember give or take so I don't think it was a bad deal. But I see I could have gotten a little better deal if I had checked this out as much as I had checked out pricing and options. For buying on the East Coast, I got them to agree to $17K off MSRP but it ended up being $16.5K since it was $500 or 0% for 3 years. Overall I'm happy with the buying experience at my dealer. (Bought about a week or so before they offered 0% 84 months. I called financing to see if I could change the terms. Couldn't but they gave me an extra two month deferment before my first payment is due).
I paid $2,300 for the 7 year/unlimited mile warranty, from Zeigler.
Dealer quoted me (at signing) $4500 for 7yrs/unlimited miles with $100 deductible. Luckily, I had a quote from Ziegler with me for $2505. Dealer matched it: easiest $2000 I ever saved.
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