Hey Big D...you are WAAAY off base my friend and I'm not sure you fully understand what this thing is or does. Not sure what you're looking at, but totally incorrect. Super easy to install...works AWESOME...if I had to guess, 25-50% of all members have this one or another brand installed on their truck. It does NOTHING to rev your engine and will have zero effect on the motors reliability...it is simply a throttle controller where you can adjust the sensitivity of your throttle...period! If you don't notice any throttle lag, then I would say you don't know what throttle lag is. All RAMs have this lag regardless of model along with just about every other car/truck made. If you really want to feel and understand what this device does, buy one off Amazon, try it for a week or two and then send it back if you don't want it. It doesn't make the truck "faster", it only increases the throttle response so the truck reacts the way that it should. Far more fun to drive than stock. In addition, you do not have to remove it when going to the dealer. I never have and doubt others have as well. However, if you wanted to, it takes about 2-3 minutes to pull it out and return to stock.