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Elon Musk calls Ram “puny”

I always get a chuckle out of these. IF the Tesla truck can "move" 300K the next logical question is "how far?" Towing on non-electric trucks always involves "over any distance." Just because an electric vehicle can physically move a weight doesn't mean it can tow it in the real world. All that weight adds up and if the unloaded range is ~500 miles, what do you think the range would be "towing" 300,000 lbs? Maybe 50 miles?

Yeah, that's a fair comparison.

This is the same thing as those truck commercials showing a pickup "towing" a 747. Yes it can move that weight but it is in no way certified to tow it, especially over any distance. That's the game Musk is playing to stir things up.
I heard that whey you use the self-parking on Musk's pickups, they explode in the spot just like the Space X rockets upon landing. Tough task for those early adopters!
If RAM makes an all electric it will be better than tesla . better get on it soon too looks like ford is already testing theirs and with independent rear suspension.
Musk has done some incredible things, but he's so full of **** I can't stand it anymore. Traded my Model S last month for a new Limited. Selling my wife's Model 3 this weekend, and she's going back to a Jeep. Once the honeymoon wears off, you realize Tesla has cool cars, but they're so far from delivering on what was promised (that people have paid for), quality is sometimes laughable for the price, and customers are basically beta testing every damn half-baked feature in the car. They are becoming a shadier company with each passing day.
If RAM makes an all electric it will be better than tesla . better get on it soon too looks like ford is already testing theirs and with independent rear suspension.
Ford may get there ahead of everyone...certainly ahead of GM and Ram. Whether Bollinger, Rivian, or someone else will successfully launch first is still difficult to determine. The Workhorse W-15 might have a shot, but it's not a pure EV.
I’ve long been a fan of Tesla. I almost bought a Model S... then I almost bought a Model 3. I like the cars even if I’m not sure I want it as my main daily driver like my Ram. It’s more of a “fun” car to me.

With that said, I’ve been growing dismayed at the holier than thou attitude of Tesla of late. Sell your products by showing how amazing they are, not by tearing down the competition with bordering on false claims.

As the competition meets and exceeds Tesla’s cars, I suspect we’ll have more “meltdowns” like these.
...quality is sometimes laughable for the price, and customers are basically beta testing every **** half-baked feature in the car...

So much this. A $50k Model 3 is not a good deal, no matter how you slice it. A $100k Model S is also not a good deal. And the fact that the $35k Model 3 has manual seats and basically no frills that one would expect from a car... are you kidding me? And to get a color other than black, better rims, and autopilot adds $6k extra. On top of that all the interior is nice-ish but certainly not FCA, Ford, etc nice.

It’s hard on any practical basis to buy a Tesla. And that’s going to be a big problem for them if they truly want to dominate the space.
With that said, I’ve been growing dismayed at the holier than thou attitude of Tesla of late. Sell your products by showing how amazing they are, not by tearing down the competition with bordering on false claims.

That’s the point right there. I think everyone was rooting for Musk right from the beginning and even though he dreamed big, supported him. But he’s become a bit unhinged. Wild claims. False promises. Saying some very nutty things. He’s great to listen to though! Hey I hope he gets it right...
That’s the point right there. I think everyone was rooting for Musk right from the beginning and even though he dreamed big, supported him. But he’s become a bit unhinged. Wild claims. False promises. Saying some very nutty things. He’s great to listen to though! Hey I hope he gets it right...

Precisely. The reality is that Tesla is no longer the only manufacturer in the electric car space and I’m not sure they really know how to claim that space in the long-run. So you gotta say crazy things and make outrageous claims to try and show why your product is so amazing...

It’s a little hard now to root for someone selling an overpriced car and claiming how hard it is to be profitable.
Tesla is set up to be bought/merged in the next 5 years. As a rural guy I never understood the appeal of a EV pick-up for rural residents. Coworker commented that an EV pick-up is not designed for someone like me, but for the surban dude that may use his truck bed a couple of times a year.

Light bulb went off and he is right. An EV pick-up is great or a daily driver for surbanites. I have considered buying a EV or a hybrid car as my commuter vehicle to work.

I just travel to too many remote places to fully trust an EV pick-up in those situations.

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