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Dealer did 119 in my truck?

How bad is it for a new truck with no miles to do 119mph?

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I'm going to get on the ram/Stellantis chat and ask them about possible glitches. It really shouldn't have had any miles on it though because I bought it/put $ on it before it came off the transport truck. Maybe a few to fill the tank but they are located right next to a bunch of gas stations I did request over the phone that it wasn't driven/test driven by anyone too (because I know people see the "GT" and think it's a performance truck even though it's REALLY not THAT "performance").
Modern vehicles don't need "break in" like older vehicles or fresh engine rebuilds. If you saw how they drive them off the assembly line at factory you would probably **** yourself.
You are 1000% Correct. "Break in" period was for back in the day when manufacturing was no where near to what it is today. Most of the new vehicles get dynoed at wide open throttle before even leaving the factory. As long as the engine is up to operating temperatures its all good.
Modern vehicles don't need "break in" like older vehicles or fresh engine rebuilds. If you saw how they drive them off the assembly line at factory you would probably **** yourself.
Oh I know....I buried my TH off the lot but wanted to appease the OMG break-in followers. It bother me in the sense that it wasn't me doing it. They shouldn't be beating on customer vehicles just before delivery. What would've been the message if the tech rolled it at 119 or did other damage?
Relax. Have a drink and let it go. It’s really not worth the headache. It’ll be fine. Every vehicles rather you pay prior to it hitting the lot or not is gonna have some miles on it. It’s not a Bugatti don’t freak out.

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I can't believe it took 25 posts to state the obvious...the high speed set on the cluster was from the factory doing an instrument cluster test after installation. Software imitates all functions and even errors to verify the programming is correct. Your truck was NOT driven 119mph by the dealer. You might have gotten the sales person fired for something he didn't do!
I can't believe it took 25 posts to state the obvious...the high speed set on the cluster was from the factory doing an instrument cluster test after installation. Software imitates all functions and even errors to verify the programming is correct. Your truck was NOT driven 119mph by the dealer. You might have gotten the sales person fired for something he didn't do!
See post # 2. Why would the sales person apologize for something he didn't do?
I can't believe it took 25 posts to state the obvious...the high speed set on the cluster was from the factory doing an instrument cluster test after installation. Software imitates all functions and even errors to verify the programming is correct. Your truck was NOT driven 119mph by the dealer. You might have gotten the sales person fired for something he didn't do!
Well, I tend to agree with this. A Rebel can't do 119 mph, so there's that.
Are you sure the GT can't?
Lol, not really. Just saw it posted that it is limited to 105 (and I know the TRX can't go that fast - without tinkering with the tire size settings).
See post # 2. Why would the sales person apologize for something he didn't do?

Probably because it’s usually easier to apologize then to stretch the issue I’m sure you guys have been in relationships before lol. Gotta pick your battles. Serious… your freaking out over nothing let it GOOOOOO!!

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I got a 21 rebel and it won’t go over 104. I’m sure 119 is possible if you took the governor off. But factory. I don’t think so
I believe they all are limited to 103-104 except the TRX which is like 115.
I would ask who got the ticket and how much. I believe that is top speed before enging limps. Talk them out of a mopar warranty but I doubt they will do it.
Old thread, but I think it's been nailed down already. It is highly unlikely, and possibly even not possible on factory settings, that the truck was driven at that speed. Two possibilities is that it was a result of factory testing or a misread from the system. I've had gps based speed displays in navigators display peak speed that I know weren't driven. For example, my old work car (2014 Explorer) showed a peak speed of almost 200 mph one time, and it's obviously no where near capable of such speeds.
Was the truck driven fast by the dealership? Maybe... probably. Not likely as fast as suspected though.

As for checking the top speed. You can typically check this on the navigation menus, but based on the photo, it looks like the GT has a display on the EVIC. I haven't tried it on the Ram to see if they all do it, but my Charger would display by holding the "select" button for 3 seconds while on the digital speedometer.
You do know that you're responding to a 6 month old post
See post # 2. Why would the sales person apologize for something he didn't do?
And why didn't the salesperson say "that's how they test the instrument cluster at the factory, and here's documentation"?
And why didn't the salesperson say "that's how they test the instrument cluster at the factory, and here's documentation"?
Most dealership salesmen barely know how many cylinders a V8 has, much less having any knowledge of testing procedures.
My truck also showed 119 straight off the lot, considering it's governed at 105...you do the math.
You do know that you're responding to a 6 month old post
It appears he does by just reading the first two words of his post. 😬
Ha ha. Winner winner.
Yeah, fully aware it's on "old thread."

And why didn't the salesperson say "that's how they test the instrument cluster at the factory, and here's documentation"?
I don't doubt he drove it "spiritedly." He may be apologizing for driving it hard, not for specifically driving 119 mph. Or maybe he's apologizing for the miles, meaning he won't take the long way to/from the gas station. Hard to tell since the apology doesn't specify and we don't know specifically what he was told by management.

Another equally possible scenario is that he was told to apologize, despite his protest/denial to the allegation. Some companies follow the customer is always right mentality and don't check to see if the complaint is valid. Just make your employee apologize, even if it isn't their fault, so the customer is happy and goes away.

**Karren** My ice cream is too cold
**Worker** Ma'am, it's ice cream, if it's not cold it will melt
**Karren** But it hurts my teeth, you shouldn't sell it like this.
--Karren to Manager-- ** I demand the worker be fired. He intentionally sold me ice cream that is too cold
-- Manager to worker -- ** Just apologize. I know it's not out of the ordinary but it will make her happy.
-- Worker to Karren -- ** I'm sorry, it will never happen again.

To be clear, I'm not saying the OP is being a Karren here. I'd be concerned too and it's certainly worth addressing, just in case they did drive it hard. The scenario was just an example of how an insincere/unfounded apology could occur. An apology from a ground level employee doesn't mean something was actually done wrong. It could just as easily be an attempt at appeasing the customer in the quickest and easiest possible way.

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