So this is my first post but I may be of some help here, I work for one of these big fancy glass places. The issue with recalibration is that the tablet we're using is going off factory settings and ride height to do the recalibration. They don't get paid if they don't do the recalibration successfully, you should do the recalibration for the simple reason that all of your functions work like they're supposed to from the factory but is it 100% necessary, not really because it should recalibrate itself eventually.
However with that said, it won't recal itself correctly unless it's set to the factory height when the calibration was actually done.
To make the recalibration work successfully, you should return the vehicle to stock to calibrate it but if you change the settings in the tablet to meet the requirements for the vehicle, then it will allow for a recalibration to complete.
Don't get mad at the techs, they're only doing what they're taught from a corporate standpoint and have no clue how to calibrate lifted or advance vehicles because glass companies make money on slinging glass and running claims through insurance.
Helpful tip, they don't make money on OEM glass or self pay jobs, and you can always find good coupons online to take the cost down drastically.