Hello Dmalonecentral --Last summer (at the end) they replaced the USB hub and it seemed to work. Fast forward to a couple weeks ago when the temps started getting over 110 (Phoenix) and the issue popped up again. Took it back into the shop (had a list of issues) and they are going to replace the USB hub again. I told them they already did that but it seems useless talking to these guys.
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I've been having this problem since 2020 (picked up my '19 Power Wagon in late August 19), but have really been focusing in on it in the past couple of months. I'm a little relieved I'm not the only one experiencing this, and like you, my dealership experience has been less than ideal as well. I usually end up leaving the dealership with a "there's no available software update", or "we've tested it and can't find the problem". It is consistently not working when the truck is outside resting in 105°+, so I really don't get how that can't be duplicated at the shop. I'm in Phoenix as well - which dealership do you use? (I'm frequenting the Tempe RAM dealer)
I logged on today to figure out how to get a hold of the RAMcares team again. I love my truck, and I really dig the radio, but the CarPlay feature (90% of radio use) has been buggy as all get out since owning the truck. Has anyone else found a fix for this?