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Best tuner for 2019 Ram 1500


Sep 6, 2018
Reaction score
I've searched the forum and hadn't seen this discussed anywhere yet so forgive me if I missed a thread. Anyone have any opinions/experience on a good tuner for the 2019 Ram 1500? I'm looking to get one for my new truck before too long in order to turn off the MDS. I've seen some reviews on the Diablo and it looks nice but was curious of other opinions.
Was reading up on a pulsar tuner yesterday seemed cool but read some other forums and a few people were complaining about surging at certain mph.
Seems like Diablo is also popular but I haven't looked into it.
Is there much more power to be had in these engines (5.7 hemi I assume)? Were you looking to tune shift points or fueling?
My opinion is that if you are looking for more power, you are better off going with a custom tune from a trusted local tuner. They are usually not too much more than a good handheld tuner and they can tweak it to your preferences and modifications.
I thought all FCA vehicles with the canbus system needed an aftermarket physically hacked ecu to be able to tune? For example they started using these in 2014 on the challengers so I assumed a brand new Ram would be like this. Have you seen information suggesting the tuner manufacturers have found a way around this now? I ask because you can always easily untune before a trip for service (and always should so they don’t brick your tuner) but swapping out an ecu is something different. Also the ecu really jacks up the price. I just checked and the diablosport only works on rams up to 2014 which makes me think they switched them at the same time as the challengers. The crappy mds stuff is probably the main reason I got etorque. In test drives it seemed to make it more tolerable. If I could have turned it off for the cost of another license on my diablosport I would have done that. Definitely post if you find something without an ecu swap cause there are a lot of nice things about a tune. Higher shift points and quicker throttle response are nice.
Diablosport makes a go between tuner that doesn’t flash your ECU. Looks pretty nice, you select the tunes with your cruise button on your steering wheel. Its available for the 19’ $499
Thanks. I should have checked the diablo site instead of a vendor. It’s called the Pulsar. Do you have one? Lots of questions about the steering wheel interface. Does it remove factory gear selection is the main one.
I don’t have one, but I might get one. You select your tune with the cruise switch when the cruise is on it functions normally as cruise switch as far as gear selection I don’t see it removing the gear select option, but I don’t know much about it. I really like what it offers compared to the old style of reflashing the PCM.
Diablosport makes a go between tuner that doesn’t flash your ECU. Looks pretty nice, you select the tunes with your cruise button on your steering wheel. Its available for the 19’ $499
This thing looks pretty nice. Anyone have any experience with these products? I’m very interested
I bought the Pedal Commander mainly to smooth out the shifting and throttle response on my 2019 Longhorn with 392 rear end. Bought off Amazon. Price reasonable and it does what I wanted it to do. Its just a way to tweak your throttle so that acceleration is smoother. If I smash the gas with 392 gear ratio its going to launch regardless which tuner I bought.
Any feedback on the Pulsar? Was wondering about gas mileage and hp increase.
Just a fyi I contacted Diablo and they said wont work with etorque
There are several people running the Pulsar with eTorque now. Diablo has tuning available for the 2019s but do not have tuning for the eTorque yet...

Pulsar is an Edge Product, not Diablo.
Check with Real Truck website they offer a November discount of 5-10% (depending on who you talk to) on Edge Pulsar!! Also if you qualify, ask about a Military discount!!

I just ordered my pulsar from Diablo tuning and should be here Friday. I don’t plan on using the performance modes as I don’t want to fuel up with 91 which is .50 cents higher per gallon here in GA than 87. I really just wanted it to disable MDS and Some performance increase :)
For those that purchased the Pulsar, If your intent is to disable MDS then it won't really do that. What it does is interecept when the truck goes into MDS then turns it off. So that is the surging you are hearing from people.

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