This has been a good timely post as i was looking to get a dash cam for my truck . Thanks for all the info on the various dash cams .. after going to youtube and Amazon , watching videos and reading info /reviews on the various cams and shifting through the pros and cons along with info on wifi .. non wifi ... cloud ... options ... software and cost ( enough to make my head spin ) i decide to go with the Thinkware Q800 Pro, just didnt get a warm fuzzy feeling on the blackvue

thanks to securityguy on his insights on the dash cams .
one question that i have is i notice on some of these dash cams they talk about parking mode and its my understanding that once the vehicle is turned off it will go into parking mode ( if you set it up that way ).. they have a battery monitor the will shut the unit down to save your vehicles battery ... it seems they mention how good this option is but really dont make too much mention of a battery backup to use this option ... i dont know maybe i just havent seen as much about it but am i wrong to think that if you want to use this type of function that you will also need to purchase a battery back up ? .... so the question to you guys that have these types of high end dash cams ... do you use a battery back up or just dont use things like a parking mode option .... maybe i am missing something. thanks