87 octane. I’m about 50/50 highway and city. 30 isn’t my average. It’s just what I see at 55 mph with the cruise set and mds kicked in.
In honor of David Letterman ..... and for some lighthearted fun.....
If you are getting 30+ mpg on the highway you .....
10 - have proven time travel and have a 2030 model - everone else is #$*@ out of luck
9 - are confused between mpg and kpl
8 - saw '99 mpg', thought that was not right, it dropped to the 30s, so that must be it
7 - really getting 80, confusing the 3 and 8 cause cause you've 'maybe had a drink or two'
6 - Cluster is broken and no matter speed it shows 30+ mpg
5 - in addition to the mds kicking in, the ecstasy has also kicked in
4 - are Democrat, i.e. socialist, and heard everyone is getting it, so you must also
3 - are a Trumper, and after paying $50K plus, with high price due to antifa and the radical left, you have created your own reality to save on gas
2 - are actually being towed
1 - got a large guy sitting on the tail gate blowing wind out his *** .......
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