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All things Firearms thread

Such little understanding. It's sad really.

Yea, there is no registry huh? What is the serial number for? The records that are not supposed to be kept by law exist. I have no doubt they do.
I’ll wait till something is official before changing anything up.

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I should probably just go ahead and pull the trigger (pun intended) on the one and only pistol I have sitting in draft for SBR on e-file. Already engraved anyway. They already have me "registered" on a bunch of other NFA stuff, why not just beat the rush (don't care if it's free then.)
The whole thing is ridiculous. Suppressors and SBRs don’t need to be regulated.
And if they are not, it would be a bloodbath in the street. Just ask any CNN "reporter". I mean an AK with a 10 inch barrel is so much easier to conceal than something like a Springfield Hellcat. And people could sit on rooftops with a 300 Win Mag and shoot people in complete silence.

Even more importantly the government would not get thier money. Kind of strange how paying $200 suddenly makes everything safe.
Welcome to the club.

California has had a "Assault Weapons" ban for a few decades now, and guess what, the number one selling long gun in the state is the AR-15. I have two myself.

You just need to pay for accessories to make it featureless, which funny enough makes them look even more aggressive then stock, but hey, it makes them safer somehow right clueless government???

Stupid requirements on barrel size, even a pistol or vertical grip on specific types of rifles, because of how they look, sad to see it spreading around. But as mentioned, spending more money by the law abiding owner "fixes it", interesting how that works.
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I just had to jump in because this conversation is too interesting to pass up. I totally agree about the irony of the regulations; it’s wild that making a gun "featureless" somehow makes it more "safe" on paper, even if it looks more intimidating. I have a couple of ARs too, and customizing to fit the rules can feel like an endless game of adding and subtracting features just to stay compliant. Also, for anyone who’s been stocking up, I’ve been finding it tricky lately to get affordable bulk 223/5.56 ammo that still performs well linking one I found here for reference: https://bulkmunitions.com. Anyone else run into that?
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