Can anyone help me check my homework? In my excitement to finally have new 2500 Cummins I didnt even look at the door handles as I was under the impression Push to Start = Smart Door Handles, oh how wrong I was. Anyway, so far I have the following part #s and think I have the jist down of what needs to be done.
Parts are, 1x 1UJ81LAUAI Door handle Left, 1x 1UJ86LAUAI Door handle Right, 1x 52112204AA Antenna. I am working with Jimmy to buy the harnesses because 1) I dont trust myself to make it look good, 2) His look near factory to me.
My question is do I need an antenna for the both doors and then the rear so 3 total? Do I need two of these, 56046957AA. I want to have the feature of not locking the fob in the car (ive had that happen on my tacoma but the doors immediately unlock). I am also going to go with the Koadtech SGW bypass and the OBDlinkEx as I will be using a windows computer. Am I missing something here? Id like to make sure I have everthing before I start ordering parts to save on shipping costs. I appreciate anyone that could offer their input for me.