Pshh, I have that SOB valved off my friend the best I could get before was 50 drivers, 45 passenger after having the system evacuated tested, recharged and the AC TSB performed which was ok but was not OK was at idle the temps would climb to 65 degrees on the drivers side and about 50 on the passenger side, with the valve at idle it stays about 48 or 49 both sides and 44 during normal driving conditions. The evap core temperature is limited by a sensor to somewhere about 42 degrees or so which yields 45 degree vent temps. The system can get colder by tricking the evap core sensor into thinking the core is warmer than it actually is but this would take a toll on the life expectancy of the system, you'd end up with higher high side pressure and lower low side pressure and possibly have compressor cycling issues because of the low side pressure switch which would suck because typically the clutch will not reengage until the low side pressure rises will above it's normal operating pressure. what I mean by this if it kicks out at 15 psi and normally operates at 20 psi it might not reengage til 30 psi to make sure there isn't an issue which means no AC in the mean time.