2021 limited
Hey guys, relatively new to the fourms so thought I'd say hi and possibly help some other newbies who may be lost searching different threads. I been looking for several week now for a straight answer on if I could fit a 12.5 wide on my 2021 limited without a lift, level or spacers and I couldn't get a straight yes or no either way...WELL I'm here to tell you that you infact can fit a 33 x 12.5 r22 on your trucks factory rims without it rubbing any of the steering components! I did a test fit first in "normal" and it cleared lock to lock however to be safe and since the wheels were off I drilled a tiny hole on the inside corner of my inner fender and used a tie strap to give me even more clearance. Hope this helps anyone that was thinking of a similar mod....here's a few pics dont mind the dirt