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33 gal tank

I guess I'm going to be the contrarian. In my case, I run with a light load when taking trips with our Ram. I get over 400 miles to the 23 gal tank, and by that time I need to take a break. The other irritating thing is that with high gas prices, filling that 33 gal tank takes another swipe of the credit card. I really don't know why most gas stations have that $100 limit for credit card purchases. I hope that will change soon.
That being said, those that run loaded heavy and/or with a travel trailer and regularly drive long distances nonstop, I can definitely see opting for the 33 gal. tank. But for me it seemed like an expensive option for not enough return.

I stop to take breaks also, but, with a 33-gal tank it doesn't have to be at gas stations. It can be at scenic overlooks, interesting markets, restaurants, or a bush on the side of the road. Now, if someone is only putting a couple hundred miles a month on their truck and burning through a full tank every month or so, then I can see the smaller tank to keep the gas fresh.
I guess I'm going to be the contrarian. In my case, I run with a light load when taking trips with our Ram. I get over 400 miles to the 23 gal tank, and by that time I need to take a break. The other irritating thing is that with high gas prices, filling that 33 gal tank takes another swipe of the credit card. I really don't know why most gas stations have that $100 limit for credit card purchases. I hope that will change soon.
That being said, those that run loaded heavy and/or with a travel trailer and regularly drive long distances nonstop, I can definitely see opting for the 33 gal. tank. But for me it seemed like an expensive option for not enough return.

It's good to have choices. Glad you're happy with your 23 gallon tank. I hated the one I had in my Laramie. The wife's truck had an MSRP of over $75k. Another $445 is a drop in the bucket comparatively, and for us it's well worth that cost to be able to go longer between fill-ups in daily commuting.
I have the 33 gallon tank and prefer it, but it wouldn't be the end of the world for me to have the 26 gallon tank.

I'd manage just fine.
When I was purchasing my rebel, the closest one with a 33 gallon tank was 300 miles away, told the dealer to get it or no sale.
I do 1800+ mile round trips to Florida twice a year, a no brainer for me.
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Related to tank size discussion is a question on how much range is left when the truck says "empty" ?
I have the EcoDiesel motor in a Rebel with 33gal tank and I've run it down to single-digits of range left, like 5 or 7 or something before I filled up.
However, I only got 30 gals back into it before the pump shut off. Do I really have 3 gallons of reserve after the truck says I'm empty ? That would be around 22x3 = 66 miles of mixed driving range or 26 x3 = 78 miles of highway range left for me typically.
I guess I need to put a 5 gallon can in the bed of the truck and drive till I run out to prove how much is really left.
It's a digital calibration.
Sounds like yours is off. You can check it with Alfaobd.
I have put in 31.something gallons before in mine.

General when a fuel gauge turns on you have 1.5-3 gallons of gas left to get to a station, and it would stop reading how many miles and just say low range or somehting.
I don't recall what the Ram did when I was almost empty, I know my light came on.
I bought a 2019 off the lot with the 26 gal tank. I ordered my 2022 and opted up to the 33. The 33 is hands down the better choice IMHO.
Always go 33 gallon tank if ordering. If buying off the lot… 23/27 shouldn’t be a deal breaker if the truck is otherwise how you want it and price reflects that. I travel most of the year state to state for work w/ the 23 gallon option.. just means a few more stops but generally by then i need to grab another drink or use the bathroom anyways. If your towing sure I can see the bigger tank being a must have but you can also always swap them out later on.

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When towing (I live in Vegas), the 33 gallon tank allows me to bypass all the ultra expensive gas stations in the small towns we travel through to get anywhere.
The 100 dollar limit significantly reduces the benefit of the 33 gallon tank.

I LOVE it when I can actually fill 33 gallons. But if the 100 dollar limit caps you at around 20 gallons (like it does at the Costco near me), then you lose a lot of the benefit.
The 100 dollar limit significantly reduces the benefit of the 33 gallon tank.

I LOVE it when I can actually fill 33 gallons. But if the 100 dollar limit caps you at around 20 gallons (like it does at the Costco near me), then you lose a lot of the benefit.
Staten Island Costco has run out of regular and I bought 93 at the 87 price, It also did not have 87 on the website the other day. I believe the Bayonne NJ Costco has a $175 limit, emphasis on believe.
Staten Island has a great location and other than very early or very late has lines to gas up. Self serve which makes things worse for advancing. Bayonne is a large station and NO self service by NJ law but you can if you want to. Barnegat NJ Costco stops me from pumping gas.
$100 limit (n).
(y) for the Bayonne Costco workers, great people and hustlers. Don't go planning to gas up before the store opens and than go shopping, a lot of people do that.
Bayonne finally put a stop to non members gassing up.
The 100 dollar limit significantly reduces the benefit of the 33 gallon tank.

I LOVE it when I can actually fill 33 gallons. But if the 100 dollar limit caps you at around 20 gallons (like it does at the Costco near me), then you lose a lot of the benefit.
My Costco has $100 limit on debit, but not credit.
The 100 dollar limit significantly reduces the benefit of the 33 gallon tank.

I LOVE it when I can actually fill 33 gallons. But if the 100 dollar limit caps you at around 20 gallons (like it does at the Costco near me), then you lose a lot of the benefit.
Just filled up at Mobil - it was a smidge over 30 gallons at $4.609/gal, coming to a bit over $138. On our road trips, I’ve noticed that Shell and Mobil stations tend to have higher limits.

You still find the occasional $75 limit out there at an independent station or lesser known brand (or in sketchy areas).

I used to have a harder time with this…I once owned a truck with a 45-gallon tank. Always took two swipes at Costco.

Incidentally, my truck showed 11 miles range remaining when I put in 30.029 gallons, and I averaged 16.0 mpg for that tank (hand calculated). That indicates a “reserve” of roughly 2.28 gallons, if I were to have run range to “0”.
The 100 dollar limit significantly reduces the benefit of the 33 gallon tank.

I LOVE it when I can actually fill 33 gallons. But if the 100 dollar limit caps you at around 20 gallons (like it does at the Costco near me), then you lose a lot of the benefit.
Just run your card again to finish filling up the tank.
I feel sorry for you guys in the communist states. Gas in Texas is under $3/gal, so I never run up against the $100 limit with my 33 gal tank.
If you are ordering, choose the option. Some will decry that the fuel weighs so much their trucks can't handle pulling the extra gallons up a hill. Shhhh.... don't let them in on the secret. They don't have to fill it up all the way. Yea, I know, that is a tough one to figure out isn't it? 😅

The truck is a gas pig. I fill up often enough with the big tank, I would hate the little one.
I would never order anything but the largest tank option available. Really though, empty on the highway I'm getting a fairly solid 19 up to a max of 21. I'm okay with that. Pulling a flat trailer with equipment is 14 to 15, but an RV on the highway is a pretty terrible 8 to 9. (2020 1500 3.92 5.7)
The 100 dollar limit significantly reduces the benefit of the 33 gallon tank.
There's some confusion about this. It's not actually a limit, just an artifact of the way the transaction is done. Because the purchase amount is not yet known when you swipe your card, most card processors will pre-authorize for $100. It then adjusts down to actual purchase if you don't use all of it. Once you've completed that transaction, there's nothing to prevent you from immediately swiping the card again and making another up-to-$100 purchase. Repeat as needed up to your card's limit.
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There's some confusion about this. It's not actually a limit, just an artifact of the way the transaction is done. Because the purchase amount is not yet known when you swipe your card, most card processors will pre-authorize for $100. It then adjusts down to actual purchase if you don't use all of it. Once you've completed that transaction, there's nothing to prevent you from immediately swiping the card again and making another up-to-$100 purchase. Repeat as needed up to your card's limit.
That’s almost always true. But not for my local Fuel City (Texas). Apparently, due to theft - and much to my chagrin - you can only swipe once. Any further swipes are declined. I’ve had to go inside to pre-authorize anything over $100, which sorta defeats the purpose of having a credit card reader at the pump. I don’t buy gas there anymore.
I feel sorry for you guys in the communist states. Gas in Texas is under $3/gal, so I never run up against the $100 limit with my 33 gal tank.
I use my local Costco and I don't have a limit thank goodness, because my fillups are about $130-170. Gotta love CA.

Yes I have the 33 Gal tank and I am very happy with it as with any long trips it really does not need to be filled up often.
I guess I'm going to be the contrarian. In my case, I run with a light load when taking trips with our Ram. I get over 400 miles to the 23 gal tank, and by that time I need to take a break. The other irritating thing is that with high gas prices, filling that 33 gal tank takes another swipe of the credit card. I really don't know why most gas stations have that $100 limit for credit card purchases. I hope that will change soon.
That being said, those that run loaded heavy and/or with a travel trailer and regularly drive long distances nonstop, I can definitely see opting for the 33 gal. tank. But for me it seemed like an expensive option for not enough return.


Well, to your point, most gas stations have done away with the $100 limit here in NJ. It's no more since gas has gone over $3/gallon. Not having the 33 gallon isn't the be all end all but I sure appreciate it. I've driven vehicles with smaller tanks and the initial impression is "Wow I can't believe I already have to fill again." No thanks.

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