22 limited here. Mine has been at the dealer for 38 days now. If I put my hand over the passenger speaker I can feel wind coming in from between the windshield and dash.
I only had the truck 14 days (700 miles) before I sent it to service. I’m making payments on this damn truck and I don’t even have it in my possession. Really wishing I didn’t trade I. My Trackhawk for this truck. No one seems to have an answer for what the fix is and the ones that have had it fixed go MIA and don’t let anyone know what fixed it.
Didn't see this post until today.
It's very easy to take out the speaker.
2 screw (hex head) on the A-pillar, pull it out a little, then up and back.
The speaker itself use a right angle drill attachment with a 1 inch P2 bit and turn by hand to remove the 2 or 3 screws.
Speaker has a clip that comes off by hand and leaves the wire there with the exposed hole.
There isn't a lot of room in there but you can have someone drive your truck and while you sit shove a rubber tube in there and move it around to determine if you can see where the air is coming from.
I sealed a hole I found and it got better, but I still have a noise.
The air intake is in the glovebox, I wonder if you have a bad seal on the air intake thingy and it's not your actual windshield
They pulled out the windshield and resealed the whole thing
I don't think it's the windshield, but I also don't know ANYONE who would remove and re-seal a windshield. All the companies around here reuse to do such.
I have had new windshields put on and are too far to 1 side or another and instead of removing the seal and re-sealing it they order a brand new windshield and apply it as they said it's not safe to re-use (i'm not sure how much I believe that myself...).
That would lead me to believe your dealership didn't do crap, which is pretty much inline for how dealerships run unfortunately.
Funny you say that. Second time coming home from dealer, they left the number card on the dash covering that speaker and I swear I saw it fluttering as the nosie was happening. Made me think that's the cause of the noise,.from that speaker....I'm making a tech drive with me when I go back to dealer
What is a number card? Also air coming in from your speaker honestly doesn't make sense especially if you are saying it's a bad seal on the windshield based upon the placement of the speaker.
There is a tsb/star case for the whistle noise. It really isn't hard to duplicate or fix.
It is hard when your local dealerships are incompetent and hire kids right out of high school so they can may minimum wage vs getting trained people who will not work for minimum wage. No one oversees dealerships as they are privately owned so they are allowed to have any moron work on your car\truck they want.