Don't need everyday. If you pay in full ( remaining statement balance, excluding new charges ) you won't pay interest, but the new balance will report.
So if you charged $376, bill is $376 but between statement cut and due date you've charged another $212, by paying the 376, you won't pay interest on the 212. But $212 will be reported as the current balance.
Credit cards are voodoo for score. generally you want them all reporting a 0 balance, but you want one to have a very low balance on occasion. The ratio of usage to limits also plays into the score, both overall and per line.
The most important thing is be predictable. doing things out of the ordinary are what knock you. If you constantly do X, you end up in the "X" bucket and your score follows the x bucket rules. If you do Y, it can knock you. Even if Y is suddenly pay off a balance. its not normal for you.
Whole system is BS.