That’s part of the answer to “why would a manufacturer offer 0%? There must be a catch!” To keep you from buying from a competitor instead.
Other answers: to encourage you to but now instead of later, or buy something instead of nothing. Or, to buy a more expensive vehicle than you would have without 0% financing. It’s just another incentive.
If you can get 0% on a vehicle you were planning on buying anyway and at the time you were planning on buying, take it (assuming you don’t miss out on other incentives), even if you could pay cash. If 0% entices you to buy more or sooner, or if you can’t trust yourself to keep money in the bank or invested, that advice is null and void.
But otherwise, take the 0%, hold on to your money to invest, build a safety net, or pay down other interest bearing loans. Heck, it times of 8.5% inflation, any interest rate under that is negative real interest, and so it may be worth taking the loan. IF you can trust yourself to be prudent with the money you otherwise would have paid in cash towards a truck you would have bought regardless.
Keep in mind my financial advice is worth every penny you paid for it.