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  1. F

    Help, mystery cable connector in back seat of quad cab

    ... If it is, I can let you know what you need ... there is some work to do, but very do-able.. -=FM45=-
  2. F

    Help, mystery cable connector in back seat of quad cab

    @wacopolumbo ... kk.. you may have to peal back the rug and poke around, but it sure looks like your Ram is prewired... I've been wrong before :) -=FM45=-
  3. F

    Help, mystery cable connector in back seat of quad cab

    It looks like the pass side rear heat/cooling connector, check the drivers side - there should be a black connector to confirm... -=FM45=-
  4. F

    BCM C6 connector wiring diagram

    Start here--- https://connectorrepairkit.mopar.com/ -=FM45=-
  5. F

    Backseat Footwell Lights?

    Thumb thru--- https://5thgenrams.com/community/threads/floor-lighting-to-ambient-lighting.21053/ -=FM45=-
  6. F

    Door Panel Push Pins

    Here--- https://5thgenrams.com/community/threads/what-did-you-do-to-your-ram-today.1686/page-1667#post-743924 -=FM45=-
  7. F

    Electrical question

    That PIC shows the front heat module ... under the pass seat... For the rear module, its in the seat back of the drivers side rear seat.... if you pull back the carpeting were the rear seat mounts on both sides, look for a gray plug under the carpet on one side and a black on the other.... if...
  8. F

    What did you do to your Ram today???

    Changed my rear marker lights to these... Rear markers w/parking lights on... Rear markers w/doors open, reverse, cargo light, tailgate handle, unlock on approach... Nice change and does emit some usable light at night... -=FM45=-
  9. F

    Swap BCM from 2019 to 2022 for New Features?

    2021 BCM - 68496414AD https://www.detroitmopar.com/oem-parts/mopar-body-controller-module-68496414ad -=FM45=-
  10. F

    Rear Heated & Ventilated Seat Connectors

    If you are talking about the gray (10) and black (16) connectors --- they connect to the rear seats to power the heat/vent options... -=FM45=-
  11. F

    LED light in tailgate handle

    Awesome PeePs.... great job !!! -=FM45=-
  12. F

    Air Design vs American Trucks side molding

    Another choice--- https://www.mycartrim.com/ -=FM45=-
  13. F

    Adding Heated Seats

    Still add those settings with Alfa.... the soft buttons will be enabled... you'll have to enable the cooled also.... Also with those settings, when the temp is below 40, the drivers wheel and seat will turn with the remote starter... I know you are changing the clock spring, but you never...
  14. F

    FitCamX dashcam

    Just a follow-up... finished installing 2 systems, 1 front camera only and the other-the dual setup... As far as loosing FM or interference --- all good on both vehicles... Will continue to test -=FM45=-
  15. F

    What did you do to your Ram today???

    -- For any member looking to repair those door panel retainers that easily break ... around 10 bucks a box, qty 15 per.... in stock and the cheapest I could find... www.auveco.com -=FM45=-
  16. F

    LED light in tailgate handle

    I was asked about the pigtail that I used on MY19.... 3 wires and 2 diodes Hopefully the above pics clear up any questions and helps out any members taking on this mod... -=FM45=-
  17. F

    Connector Location Help

    Just looking at your pics--- again just a guess but see XY331A and XY310A There are paid/subscription sites, ex. AllData... but as far for cost ??? Get friendly with a local shop and you might get lucky with needed info.. -=FM45=-
  18. F

    Connector Location Help

    @brental1 --- not sure if you are taking advantage of any online resources but start here --- with all the rewiring you seem to be doing, this site should come in handy for any of your present and future mods ... http://connectors.dcctools.com/home.htm -=FM45=-
  19. F

    Laramie Ambient Lighting Question

    These are the connectors to look for, these a from Mouser but the OEM look exactly the same... -=FM45=-
  20. F

    FitCamX dashcam

    I got an email from them asking for a pic of my factory mirror and shroud, sent my pic and within an hour or so they replied with a Thank You and that my order was being processed... I'm sure they are slammed with orders... sitting patiently ;) -=FM45=-