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  1. bigdodge

    Price negotiated from MSRP

    the dealer I used claim they have 97 Rams in stock.
  2. bigdodge

    Price negotiated from MSRP

    all the rams i saw at mark dodge say "in transit" at the bottom of the description. what is up with that?
  3. bigdodge

    2022 Orders

    was comparing notes on other vehicles we have ordered in the past. in early Nov 1999 we ordered a 2000 Chrysler 300M. figured it would arrive in jan or feb 2000. dealer called on dec 28 1999 car is in. so this ordered car had to jump the line to be delivered so fast. here's hoping we all get...
  4. bigdodge

    Registering An Out-Of-State Vehicle (CA Edition)

    i toured the us in 2019 see 22 states and the road are in worse shape then calif. for your information there are more people here then the census says you are buying in to the rights crap. don't like it you can leave which would be better then calling us communist
  5. bigdodge

    2022 Orders

    it does not have to make since remember it is a clusterf u c k
  6. bigdodge

    Registering An Out-Of-State Vehicle (CA Edition)

    because when the majority vote, the regulations implemented are what the majority wanted. you must be young and not understand how it works.
  7. bigdodge

    Oil change

    that is a pretty good idea. what did you do for the filter? I saw a video where one person put a ziplock bag over it and another video where they punched a hole in the filter and then a funnel to catch the oil.
  8. bigdodge

    2022 Orders

    oh do not think that!! that would really be bad:(
  9. bigdodge

    2022 Orders

    I am really happy they are doing this it makes waiting fun it is fun to speculate! :)
  10. bigdodge

    2022 Orders

    that will help us that have orders. but then again no one really knows right?
  11. bigdodge

    2022 Orders

    it means management has determined that enough parts are available to force everyone to work 7 days a week. should be good for us. however overworked people do not make good things
  12. bigdodge

    2022 Orders

    this makes since as you have to have transportation ready. :)
  13. bigdodge

    2022 Orders

    based on the daily chart EIGHTY posts here we should see many checking in with the same information.
  14. bigdodge

    2022 Orders

    can you see your truck at either of these places? https://www.ramtrucks.com/webselfservice/BuildSheetServlet?vin=YOURVINHERE and/or https://www.ramtrucks.com/hostd/windowsticker/getWindowStickerPdf.do?vin=
  15. bigdodge

    Dealer Estimated Maintenance Costs for EcoDiesel

    my son has a diesel and he takes it to an independent service place and prices are double a gas
  16. bigdodge

    Registering An Out-Of-State Vehicle (CA Edition)

    what? you called us Commiefornia yet we voted for most of these laws so I ask you do you not believe in the peoples right to choose?
  17. bigdodge

    2022 Orders

    I'm hoping the factory looks at the sold orders as money in the pocket.
  18. bigdodge

    2022 Total Numbers (ALL MODELS)

    no updates since aug 26???
  19. bigdodge

    Dealer Estimated Maintenance Costs for EcoDiesel

    that is for a diesel of course it is more. :)
  20. bigdodge

    Dealer Estimated Maintenance Costs for EcoDiesel

    for tire rotation I go to discount tire and buy a certificate for lifetime rotation and rebalance. then just show up and it is free. save plenty in the long run.