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Search results

  1. bigdodge

    2022 Orders

    need someone on the line that can see the vin numbers
  2. bigdodge

    2022 Orders

    they are in canada.
  3. bigdodge

    2022 Orders

    where is the poster that lives 15 minutes from SHAP??? they can go by there and ask some people when they are leaving :)
  4. bigdodge

    2022 Orders

    no no its ok the more info we have the better
  5. bigdodge

    2022 Orders

    you are the second poster to report this statement ""keep in mind the 22's just started production 2 weeks ago."" yet we al know the plant was closed last week clusterf u c k!!!
  6. bigdodge

    Ram Trucks Reduces The Complexity Of Its 2022 Ram 1500 Lineup!

    thanks shows everything but interior colors :(
  7. bigdodge

    2022 Orders

    me also!
  8. bigdodge

    Ram Trucks Reduces The Complexity Of Its 2022 Ram 1500 Lineup!

    do yo have a link to this?
  9. bigdodge

    Order Tracking

    this might be what we have been waiting for 20 weeks is a lot longer then the chart that is put up here. Lets hope the time gets shorter.
  10. bigdodge

    2022 Orders

    I also would like to see the web site updated I wonder that also given they say they build 6k a week.
  11. bigdodge

    2022 Orders

    it includes everything coming and going. I just did a costco near me and it is way busier then google shows.
  12. bigdodge

    2022 Orders

    OK but I do not believe it is what some believe it is I believe it is showing truck traffic or other traffic in and out of the plant and not people. so unless someone is there we really do not know.
  13. bigdodge

    2022 Orders

    reps sit behind a desk and relay what their boss wants them too relay.
  14. bigdodge

    Warning to do it yourself oil changes may cause warranty denial

    why do you not believe what people post? :)
  15. bigdodge

    Warning to do it yourself oil changes may cause warranty denial

    everyone has to live some place. I do not knock where you live and i would request you do the same. i traveled the US in 2019 22 states, and traffic was just as bad in places because they only have one freeway. people have to live some place, people live where they do because they like it.
  16. bigdodge

    Warning to do it yourself oil changes may cause warranty denial

    there are 8 dealers and you tried them all...
  17. bigdodge

    2022 Orders

    that is a possibility
  18. bigdodge

    2022 Orders

    explains the saturday work!
  19. bigdodge

    Truck steering to the left

    I would start with an alignment.