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  • I have a DR750X-2CH Plus camera that I want to use with the Wi-Fi Hotspot in my 1500 RAM Longhorn. Should I be able to use the WiFi hotspot from AT&T to connect the camera to the Cloud?
    Yes, you should be able to connect.
    additional discussions with the "technical support" at Pitasoft - the DR750X series cannot detect a Wi-Fi Hot Spot operating at 5 GHz. The cameras can only detect 2.4 GHz Hot Spots. I bought an LTE module, put in a Verizon SIM card, and, after putsing around for hours, finally got the cellular connection to the Cloud I needed, Zero help from the Verizon "technical" folks.
    I saw the post that mentioned Hydro lock . I put in Mopar CAI. I live in Minnesota. Lots of snow and rain, Is that something i should be concerned about?
    I don't think so. I feel that you would be OK...we get a ton of rain in FL as well.
    Thanks! Really had me starting to think!
    Hi I saw your positive remarks about the Weather Tech stone and bug deflector. I have had a hard time getting it installed. I have a 2019 1500 limited and ordered the right deflector (not for the classic body style). Thought somewhat in line the path through the rubber seal through the deflector into the hood was not a straight shot and I broke a couple of the fasteners (ordered more).
    Same here, I am ordering more fasteners.
    You don't need to order the OEM fasteners. You remove the OEM fasteners that you are told to remove and replace them with the WT fasteners when installing the shield.
    Stephen C
    who sells this deflector- May Fly season has begun here in the Tampa FL area !
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