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Recent content by RebelMike

  1. RebelMike

    Anyone here have a bedrug? Do you like it?

    I had a bedrug full liner in my '14 for 5 years. No spray in liner. I lifted the rug just to look around before I sold it. It still looked brand new under there. No dings, scratches, or rust!
  2. RebelMike

    Anyone here have a bedrug? Do you like it?

    I have the full liner as well. This is my second one, I had one in my 14 as well. I absolutely love them, and will not own a truck without one. They are very easy to care for and hold up well to anything I have put in it. I also had the factory sprayed in liner, just make sure you clean it...
  3. RebelMike

    Cold Air from Window Defroster with AC set to Face only

    Mine does the same thing, at the center of the windshield. I haven't seen it on the side windows though. I am in Pennsylvania.
  4. RebelMike

    2020 RAM Rebel with black appearance package

    Yeah I agree. I like the blacked out skid plate, but the RAM emblem is too much. It needs that little bit of contrast.
  5. RebelMike

    New Guy From PA

    The camper in loaded form runs just under 6000 lbs. I run an Equilizer WDH on it, and the truck pulls it like a dream. I have no bounce, sway or power issues at all.
  6. RebelMike

    Roof top ski rack recommendation?

    I just recently installed the Yakima clamp on style towers and oval core bars. I carry my kayak on the roof when I am towing my camper. They were very easy to install, and are very sturdy/secure. Sorry I don't have better pictures at the moment, but here they are mounted on my Rebel.
  7. RebelMike

    Rusty RAM's

    I live in Northeast PA, where they salt the roads religiously. I owned a 2nd gen ram that I had 10 years. It was just starting to rust on the door bottoms and the bottom of the tailgate when I got rid of it. I also had a 4th gen for 5 years, with absolutely no rust anywhere. The only thing I do...
  8. RebelMike

    Issues with interior builds on Ram Rebels

    My rebel has the Uconnect 4c with nav, and it looks just like your second picture, with the piano black trim. I also looked at several others, and all had the red trim, and ram head on the console lid.
  9. RebelMike

    Wax? Detail Polish?

    I have used Dual Polymer. It does a nice job of deepening your color. It's really easy to apply, wipe on, wipe off. I'm not impressed with the protection it gives you though. It lasts about two weeks or so, and then really needs to be reapplied. I have used other cheaper products that protect...
  10. RebelMike

    Outdoor Temperature calibration

    I had a '14 before, that had that same issue. It was always 5-6 degrees above true temperature. My dealer told me that they couldn't do anything about it. It drove me nuts for 4 years. My new one seems to be right on, or within a degree. It does take it a while to register correctly when I drive...
  11. RebelMike

    Roof rack...

    Thanks for the info. I have been thinking about the Yakima base clips too. Just wasn't sure how they looked or worked on our trucks. After seeing this, I think that's the way to go.
  12. RebelMike

    Roof rack...

    Looks really good. Mind sharing some details of what you used?
  13. RebelMike

    Camping, tent, travel trailer, HAMMOCK

    Hope you have a good trip. Sounds like a fun weekend. It sounds like you are going to get wet though. We are headed out to Raccoon Creek State park next weekend. First trip of the season.
  14. RebelMike

    windshield wipers???

    I have been using Michelin Stealth XT's on my vehicles, and have been very happy with them.
  15. RebelMike

    Ram launches teaser site for Ram HD debut

    That is one UGLY truck!!!