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Recent content by Charles Town Mike

  1. C

    Auto Climate Behavior

    Warm air is going to be on floor vents if using auto. Warm air rises. Cold air will come from vents in dash due to cold air falling and cooling legs and feet as well as upper body.
  2. C

    Mopar ram air intake filter

    No oil needed. Clean and let dry. Done.
  3. C

    2024 quad cab 1500 rear under seat storage options

    I have navigation and subwoofer in my 2019 and the Du Ha fits perfectly good craftsmanship and adaptability.
  4. C

    AJT Key Fob Case users. ****Read this*****

    Thanks for the posts. Sadly I no longer have original fob case with the chip in it. I suppose only solution now is to put extra battery in the console and when/if the fob battery dies, I can change it out. Really wish I would have known about this when I got the fob from AJT. I imagine there are...
  5. C

    FitCamX dashcam

    Just a heads up for you all when you go to install. If you watch the video, it looks sooo easy as far as getting the old cover off. It is a bear and you need strong fingers. If only all parts on this truck were put together so well. Prying tool included is not a real help for the most part...
  6. C

    Driving with broken active shutter?

    Had the exact thing happen only Bambi was pretty big and I was only going 25. Very similar damage. Had to drive with shutter stick closed for about two months until they could get it in the shop. No problems whatsoever. More good news is that they only have to basically replace bumper and they...
  7. C

    Leaking sunroof? Where to look.

    No clue. Dealer had a tech who specializes in that sort of thing do the chasing to find problem.
  8. C

    Leaking sunroof? Where to look.

    My 2019 Laramie Sport’s sunroof drain hose was kinked causing the water to run down the Bpillar and short out wiring found at base of door opening. Might be worth a look or as a starting point for the dealer to look
  9. C

    Interior overhead map lights and tailgate release no longer work on overhead console

    Had same problem with 2019 Laramie one month into ownership. Turns out that the drain on sunroof had been twisted and instead of water draining out of it, it was draining down inside of B pillar and got to wiring just inside the door and caused wire connection to rust. No interior upper console...
  10. C

    Continental Terrain Contact A/T

    Thanks. Had thought about stepping up but no luck with Continental and wanted that brand.
  11. C

    Continental Terrain Contact A/T

    Have had a set on for about 500 miles. Only got 30,000 out of original Goodyears. What a difference! Though gas mileage has suffered a little. Owe some of that to not running “slicks” anymore.
  12. C

    Update navigation

    I have updated navigation on my Jeep a couple of times using USB stick and downloading from website. After you finish download, insert in USB drive in Ram, turn truck on and sit and wait a few minutes it will eventually tell you to confirm update and you push yes. It will then give you...
  13. C

    Interior Lights not working

    I had this exact same problem. Took truck to dealer under warranty and they discovered that the sunroof drain had a kink in it not allowing water to drain so the water drained down the inside of B pillar and caused wire connections to corrode that control that module. They replaced the bad...
  14. C

    Mopar’s “Ram Airflow” Cold-Air Intake System For Ram 1500:

    Disconnect negative terminal right off the bat. When you are finished and reconnect terminal, don’t panic when radio display and a few lights aren’t “right” when you first start truck. They will reset after a few hours and be fine. Work in an area with plenty of light-just in case a few of the...