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Trade in program for Etorque that’s what needs to happen!


Active Member
Jun 13, 2020
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FCA should do a trade in Program for those of us with non-stop issues with our RAM trucks. They will recall floor mats; but hey your truck shuts off randomly, or your brakes are about to fail ohh yeah no issue there we will just take your vehicle for 2 to 3 months and then the problem will come right back. $40-60k trucks or even more and we’re just told sorry this is just sickening. Challengers which I have owned can get FCA to fox wrong doing for good paint and we have faulty complete systems why are we pouring even more money into our trucks and looking at aftermarket systems for them to run properly?. @RAM @FCA.

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No offense, but it doesn’t look like you’ve had anything but a poor experience in all of your recent posts. Is there a reason that you haven’t submitted a lemon law case?
Or just traded the truck in? Many claim to be receiving good trade in $$.
In all honesty, it sounds like he'll find problems in any vehicle
I fully understand his pain. We had a Pacifica that was in the shop four times during the first two months of ownership. When it happens to you, it sucks. - period. Nothing can turn you around once you've been screwed by service after service after service. We had the option to go the Lemon Law route but found it easier, with the significant trade in values over the last two months, to trade out of it and never look back. Yes, we lost a little on the deal but money does buy you happiness...if it's a piece of crap that can't be fixed.

As for me and my Ram eTorque, I love the thing as I haven't had a single problem with it. Then again, if given enough trips to the service department without resolution of an issue or a worse situation where numerous issues that keep popping up, I'd be the first to be madder than hell.
Or just traded the truck in? Many claim to be receiving good trade in $$.
In all honesty, it sounds like he'll find problems in any vehicle

Well maybe you would like to go without a vehicle oh... and you don’t get a loaner vehicle either. Well you can pay for it and make your vehicle payment that you don’t have for over 2 months. So no it’s not finding an issue in any vehicle; it’s the principal that no one stands behind their product. Oh and let’s see have a family of 6, oh hey no problem I’ll carry my kids to school no problem because our road isn’t part of our township. Just Incase you had an answer for that. And after owning 15 Mopar vehicles and the most expensive one being a sh*t box I think you’d be pissed off as well BowDown!

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So the OP has traced all of his issues to ETorque? Even though there's probably 500K of them out running the roads right now?

I (for the record) don't mind my ET. Doesn't give me additional fuel mileage (see fuelie in sig) that I can see (though I can't imagine it BEING WORSE without it). It's covered by my MaxCare Unlimited (and factory emissions warranty). Once you get used to how to "work" the regen braking (which most people find annoying), it requires a lot less brake pedal pressure (and my brakes will probably last longer because of it).

Someone isn't happy with their truck. I get that. So DUMP IT and MOVE ON. To intimate that RAM should take all ET trucks back - because you have issues that don't even appear to be related to ET - doesn't make a whole helluva lotta sense. At least, not to me.

I get it - you're pissed - and have every right to be. And if the dealer had my truck for more than a day or two - without a loaner - they'd have a letter from my attorney (and likely need to get a restraining order on me - but I have issues with patience myself). My dealer got me into a loaner, because my truck was going to be there for A DAY (guess my service writer got a sense that they DID NOT WANT ME HANGING OUT in the showroom all day - but I digress).

So when you say "we" - you should likely stick with "ME". Has my truck been "trouble free"? Hmmm. Dead battery once (NPF) - leaky roof drain on rear bulkhead (fixed) - entire leather dash delaminating (I'll get around to it). All in all - ABOUT AVERAGE. Though (again), if the dealer had my 12 month old truck for 2-3 months of that 12 - I'd likely be in a different truck - oh, say - 1 month into that 3. I had an 05 Corvette that I wrecked - had to wait 6 weeks for PARTS (first year of that model). Insurance paid for rental - is it what it is.

Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change
The courage to change the things I can

As a data point, '19 ET Rebel and I had my first MAJOR issue yesterday. Driver's side wiper blade fell apart. Believe I had a loose connector on the E torque and voltage arced up to the wiper blade arm melting the blade. Those SOBs are gonna pay!

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Well maybe you would like to go without a vehicle oh... and you don’t get a loaner vehicle either. Well you can pay for it and make your vehicle payment that you don’t have for over 2 months. So no it’s not finding an issue in any vehicle; it’s the principal that no one stands behind their product. Oh and let’s see have a family of 6, oh hey no problem I’ll carry my kids to school no problem because our road isn’t part of our township. Just Incase you had an answer for that. And after owning 15 Mopar vehicles and the most expensive one being a sh*t box I think you’d be pissed off as well BowDown!

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So you've had 15 Mopars and this one is the one that gives you problems so you're having a tantrum?
Trade it, move on.
I get the payments and the trucks been in the shop, sucks but deal with it and move on. The fact that the roads are S in your area is on you, you chose to be there so that's not a factor. Every make has problems, every one but for you to have had 15 and this one, according to you, is the 1st on thats a huge problem more speaks to the quality of the product.
Sell it and move on
I feel bad for people that have problems with their trucks, I really do. But I don’t understand the people that come on here and constantly complain about it. I get it, you are pissed and have a right to be. Life is too short to let stuff like this eat up your life. Trade it in and move on

It didn’t take much research for me to know I wanted nothing to do with the e-torque or the 12“ screen so those were never an option I considered. I did way too much research on the ecodiesel and am well aware of the problems that could happen but decided to take the leap anyways. If I have problems with it, it’s on me. I’m not going to come on here and complain about it and tell everyone not to get one. Just to be clear this is not directed at the OP. In general all makes have problems and lemons, do your research and you’ll know what problems you could run into. I made the leap on a F150 Ecoboost years back. New what the potential problems were and did it anyway. That one didn’t work out and I ended up getting rid of it after only 10k miles. I could have kept messing with it but I decided it wasn’t worth the headache and got rid of it.
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I feel bad for people that have problems with their trucks, I really do. But I don’t understand the people that come on here and constantly complain about it. I get it, you are pissed and have a right to be. Life is too short to let stuff like this eat up your life. Trade it in and move on

It didn’t take much research for me to know I wanted nothing to do with the e-torque or the 12“ screen so those were never an option I considered. I did way too much research on the ecodiesel and am well aware of the problems that could happen but decided to take the leap anyways. If I have problems with it, it’s on me. I’m not going to come on here and complain about it and tell everyone not to get one. Just to be clear this is not directed at the OP. In general all makes have problems and lemons, do your research and you’ll know what problems you could run into. I made the leap on a F150 Ecoboost years back. New what the potential problems were and did it anyway. That one didn’t work out and I ended up getting rid of it after only 10k miles. I could have kept messing with it but I decided it wasn’t worth the headache and got rid of it.

Exactly, I have eTorque and the 12" screen, eTorque has been great and the truck over all. The 12" Uconnect is having the same problems as others are having albeit not very often. I haven't made one post about it and believe FCA is aware and will need to update this device to correct these issues. My truck is 3 months old with 5K miles on it, should I be dealing with 12" Uconnect issues? No but I'm not going to post threads about it either, I deal with it and move on.
trade in values are high right now, i'd trade it in. I'd take control of the situation and make the change for myself if i were you, don't wait FCA do anything about it because quite frankly they aren't going to care and that's unfortunate. There's no such thing as a perfect vehicle and the buyer should always do their research, but if i were you it sounds like reliability is your biggest pain point and therefore id get a tundra and not look back. However you could probably roll the dice with RAM again and get a non-etorque and be trouble free like the majority of us.
E-Torque is new tech and it shouldn't be something anyone buys if they expect the majority them to be flawless when compared to non-etorque
trade in values are high right now, i'd trade it in. I'd take control of the situation and make the change for myself if i were you, don't wait FCA do anything about it because quite frankly they aren't going to care and that's unfortunate. There's no such thing as a perfect vehicle and the buyer should always do their research, but if i were you it sounds like reliability is your biggest pain point and therefore id get a tundra and not look back. However you could probably roll the dice with RAM again and get a non-etorque and be trouble free like the majority of us.
E-Torque is new tech and it shouldn't be something anyone buys if they expect the majority them to be flawless when compared to non-etorque

Or get a Tundra built on an off day and have the same but different problems
That doesnt even make sense... how is a connector on the ETorque going to arc to your wiper blade? It's like 2 feet away from it and one is in the engine compartment with a hood that separates it from the other of which sits against your windshield. I call total BS on this.
As a data point, '19 ET Rebel and I had my first MAJOR issue yesterday. Driver's side wiper blade fell apart. Believe I had a loose connector on the E torque and voltage arced up to the wiper blade arm melting the blade. Those SOBs are gonna pay!

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That doesnt even make sense... how is a connector on the ETorque going to arc to your wiper blade? It's like 2 feet away from it and one is in the engine compartment with a hood that separates it from the other of which sits against your windshield. I call total BS on this.

Am damn glad y’all clarified that today!!! Spent the evening looking at my wipers trying to figure out how they hell they were connected to the eTorque. Was damned excited as I grew up in Alaska and was happy to learn our new eTorque wipers could move two feet of heavy, wet snow so one no longer has to sweep the windshield clear after a snowstorm. ;-)
Or get a Tundra built on an off day and have the same but different problems
Yeah I know, that’s why I said there’s no such thing as a perfect truck. I almost got a tundra but at the lower price of the ram with way more options, I couldn’t justify letting any perceived reliability issues steer me away from getting the ram
That doesnt even make sense... how is a connector on the ETorque going to arc to your wiper blade? It's like 2 feet away from it and one is in the engine compartment with a hood that separates it from the other of which sits against your windshield. I call total BS on this.

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