You might give some thought to using a small finish nail, could hold up better than a toothpick and not break off. Blunt the sharp end. Once you do get it opened up, I've been using 303 3 in 1 Leather Care on my seats and I'm very satisfied with the product. Learned of the product here in the forums.Thanks for all the replies. Sounds like it’s going to take some time to clean lol
People who are using leather conditioner on new seats need to STOP. Leather is sealed with a clear coat. You aren't doing anything but smearing oily crap all over the seat. When the seats are well worn, do a color transfer test. If dye from the leather transfers to a white damp cloth, the coating is gone and conditioning can make a difference.
Is this why Ram recommends a damp cloth to clean?
That’s the tool I have always used. It works like a charm but it’s labor intensive.If you have access to a vehicle steamer it may loosen it up so it's easier to get out. I also learned a trick from the auto fetish guy on youtube to use a dental gum stimulator tool. It has a rubber tip and it is a lot more safe than a toothpick.
Still working on my 2014... 6 years and i'm half way there..tooth pick . Do one by one