Last night my truck was dead as a hammer after being parked for just shy of 3 full days. Dead, dead, dead..... Got a jump, shortly after putting power through the jump the interior lights were dim. A few minutes later, the dash lit up like a normal start, but not enough juice to crank, a few more minutes and it started thankfully (I was at the airport, 10 pm.... not a fun time to have a dead truck). Once it was started, I closed the doors and tried to figure out if an interior light was left on or something that I could blame myself for, but there was nothing like that, everything seemed to be normal.
On the way home (90 minute drive) I was watching the battery "gauge" and it was maybe 13.9, then 13.8, 13.7, etc, slowly down to 13.4, then up to 13.5, get the picture. I was worried it was going to dip so low the truck would shut down before I made it home. I had all non essential power consuming devices OFF to make sure I got home. This morning, say 9 hours later, the thing started right up, battery gauge showed 14.4 volts, all good right?
Took it into my dealer, they ran a 3 hours test on the electrical system to try to look for drains, issues, etc. said it all came back perfect. Go figure right? Too bad it wasn't dead for them when they went to move it.
When it got dark tonight I went out and messed around from outside the truck, locking, unlocking using the door button and/or the remote. One thing I noticed that's very peculiar is that the little glowing lights that surround the USB outlets up front below the "radio" and the ones for the back seat come ON shortly after the instrument cluster lights go off. I've done this about 10 times to confirm it's always happening, but sometimes it's front only, or back only, or a few times they were both on, then the front went out, all kinds of weird patterns. I just checked after an hour and they happened to be OFF since the last test.
I don't think those little dim glowing LEDs would drain a battery, but who knows. Also could be an indication of some other problem. There is nothing plugged in to ANY of my USB outlets, not even an unused charging cable.
Thought I'd share just in case this helps anyone, or if anyone else knows more about what I'm describing.