Hi, for so long and all the truck owners who have the same problem still haven't solved it? if the gearbox breaks, who pays for the repair?Havent posted in awhile but just wanted to share my recent experience. Stellantis or FCA not really sure who hell they are really but they pulled my rental while my truck was at the dealership so if i wanted to keep the rental i had to pay for it myself. I dropped of the rental right away and took my defective truck back home. Im thinking of a different approach to fix this problem now. The new service manager straight up told me they know about this for a while and he knows there is no fix for it until they write new software (his words). So all the back and forth ive been doing was pointless i guess. Very disappointing to say the least.
Hey y’all, new to the page. Have a 2019 Rebel and have had the same issue for years now. Dealer reprogramed the TCM. Of course that did nothing. Have 45k miles on it now. First stared around 20k miles. They can’t duplicate the issue so hands are a bit tied on that one. Can’t just leave the truck with them for weeks or months on end. Have almost been hit numberious times making slow left turns around 5-9 mph crossing traffic and the truck just slips outta gear. Ram can’t figure it out. Eventually someone will get hurt and then they might do something about it as I’m sure there will be lawyers involved. There’s a ton out there about this issue, but zero resolutions from what I can find. I did figure out that you don’t have to stop the truck and put it in park, just turn the shifter knob to neutral and back to drive and the gears engage and you can keep going Without stopping. Only thing that’s saved me from being hit a few times to say the least. Since it has no codes and isnt recorded in the PCM or TCM I don’t see Ram ever doing anything for us that spent 55 to 65 thousand on a truck that could possibly cause us to get injured or injure our families. Buckeye, thank you for all the updates. Please let us know how it all goes for you.
Semper Fi
The issue was present six months before I upgraded my wheels and tires. So, I don't think that's the problem. Hope to have some answers this week. Got a note form another user who sent me this:
"I have been following your post for some time as my 2019 Ram 1500 Limited with V8 HEMI and 3.92 gear ratio has been doing the same randomly since the original battery died On Nov 17th last year. Replaced it with an Yellow Top Optima Battery and began seeing the issue a couple days later. Battery has been tested and dealership had truck for 2 weeks with no luck reproducing after 200 miles of test drives.
Have videoed the event multiple times and they seem to ignore that evidence. Recently I purchased a BlueDriver ODBII scan tool in hopes of gathering more details about what is happening. Have captured multiple occurrences with different configurations and the common denominator seems to be a drop in the Control Module voltage down to mid/low 13s when coasting to a stop or slowing to turn right."
They are now replacing my shifter and the engine wiring harness (for the second time). My truck is still there because they are having issues with getting the part due to the hideous supply chain problem. I still have my rental, which they are paying for in full. Stellantis is also extending my warranty on the vehicle as the dealership has already put over 1,700 miles on it for the testing. I told them I want some $$ for my tire tread wear! LOL! Anyway, I am giving them this last (3rd) shot at fixing the issue. If it happens again, I will pull the trigger on the CA lemon law.Having a very similar issue. When the truck comes to it stop, I’ll get a notice to shift to park in back into gear. This is a safety concern since I have to apply the brakes, dial back to park and then into gear. This has happened on the freeway and in the middle of an intersection, where I can easily be hit by another vehicle. I started a s**t storm with FCA since this has been going on for over a year and had the truck in the dealer a month ago and they couldn’t reproduce the issue. They truck is in the dealer again and finally getting some traction. For the first time, it flagged a "P1DF3" code on my OBD2 sensor. Prior to bringing it to the dealer a 2nd time, I had battery charge issues and I replaced the battery which of course cleared the code (Check Engine Light). The service advisor called me this morning and said they are looking into replacing the ESM (Electronic Shift Module) which the diagnostic code says that could be one of the issues. The dealer is picking up the rental so that is good. So between 36 and 42K miles, I’ve had the cam and lifters replaced, this issue and they also told me the radiator is leaking and needs repair. Where is the quality in workmanship these days? I’m sure glad I got the supplemental warranty to 100K
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My truck did this with the complete factory build - long before I upgraded anything, including the battery. It didn't do it often, but it was an issue for the first year and a half.You might be on to something regarding the control module. The dealer is going to replace the shifting unit which contains the ESM (Electronic Shift Module), but the drop in voltage makes a lot of sense as well. When my battery died and I had to have AAA come jump me, that’s when the "Check Engine Light" came on. When I checked with my OBD2 sensor, the P1DF3 code appeared which points to the ESM or TCM (Transmission Control Module). The dealer was able to pull a part number for the ESM (~$270), but not the TCM, which possible can be part of the tranny (not sure).
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They are now replacing my shifter and the engine wiring harness (for the second time). My truck is still there because they are having issues with getting the part due to the hideous supply chain problem. I still have my rental, which they are paying for in full. Stellantis is also extending my warranty on the vehicle as the dealership has already put over 1,700 miles on it for the testing. I told them I want some $$ for my tire tread wear! LOL! Anyway, I am giving them this last (3rd) shot at fixing the issue. If it happens again, I will pull the trigger on the CA lemon law.
Sharing some snapshots from ODB2 data I captured recently. Every instance whether cruising to a stop or slowing to turn right or left shows a drop in voltage on the control module and bump in engine load. 2019 Limited with 3.92 gear ratio all stock. Issue began after replacing battery with yellow top Optima at 26k miles.
Sharing some snapshots from ODB2 data I captured recently. Every instance whether cruising to a stop or slowing to turn right or left shows a drop in voltage on the control module and bump in engine load. 2019 Limited with 3.92 gear ratio all stock. Issue began after replacing battery with yellow top Optima at 26k miles.
My truck did this with the complete factory build - long before I upgraded anything, including the battery. It didn't do it often, but it was an issue for the first year and a half.
Just got word they have the ESM and the truck will be ready Monday. I'm not well versed in the lemon law here, but I was told by the Service Manager at LACDJR (who has a lemon law attorney for a customer) that if a vehicle has been to service for the same issue three times or more, then it is eligible for the lemon law. But, don't quote me!! Also, my warranty will be extended by RAM, due to the number of miles driven to scope the problem.Wow, that’s incredible. Yeah, when I checked with the parts department they said the ESM was back ordered, but my service advisor said they’d be able to locate. Personally, I think it’s a recall issue they aren’t owning up to. I also think TX1500 might be on to something regarding the drop in voltage. Is there a time limit on triggering the CA lemon law? I’ve had the truck since May of 2018. Bought it on Memorial Day weekend, so I’m coming up on the 4 year mark.
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Started with FIXD that was a Christmas gift a couple years ago. Did some research looking to grab more data and the BlueDriver seemed to be the best bang for the buck.How do you like your BlueDriver ODB2 sensor? Seems like you get a lot of detailed information. I really don’t like my FIXD and it requires a subscription as well, where BlueDriver doesn’t. I think you might be on to something with the voltage drop. The issue is why? I always experienced the issue and no check engine light until the battery died and AAA came out and jumped my battery. I would think that is expected behavior, so replacing the control module may not fix the issue if it’s a voltage drop. I wonder if you would get the same drop if you opened your drivers door while in motion. I’ve done that in the driveway while backing up and I get the same message regarding putting the truck back into park. Seems like there might be an open or short somewhere.
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Started with FIXD that was a Christmas gift a couple years ago. Did some research looking to grab more data and the BlueDriver seemed to be the best bang for the buck. Found a good link on their website and states it is measuring the Engine Control Module.Which module are you monitoring voltage on? ESM or TCM? Seems like the issue starts when the voltage to the control module drops below 14V. Would the increase in engine load cause the drop in voltage? If so, why?
Started with FIXD that was a Christmas gift a couple years ago. Did some research looking to grab more data and the BlueDriver seemed to be the best bang for the buck.
Started with FIXD that was a Christmas gift a couple years ago. Did some research looking to grab more data and the BlueDriver seemed to be the best bang for the buck. Found a good link on their website and states it is measuring the Engine Control Module.
OBDII Live Data Guide
The table below lists all standard OBDII live data accessible using BlueDriver. Note that actual support will vary by vehicle year and model - you can check what datapoints your vehicle will support by using the Compatibility Tool. Vehicle ...support.bluedriver.com
The engine load jumping right about the same time as the voltage drop makes me wonder if it is related to issues with the transmission hunting gears while coasting that were supposed to be fixed in TSB 21-002-19.
Just got word they have the ESM and the truck will be ready Monday. I'm not well versed in the lemon law here, but I was told by the Service Manager at LACDJR (who has a lemon law attorney for a customer) that if a vehicle has been to service for the same issue three times or more, then it is eligible for the lemon law. But, don't quote me!! Also, my warranty will be extended by RAM, due to the number of miles driven to scope the problem.
LACDJR had the regional engineer on mine as well during the second visit. Stellantis opened a STAR case and they were also involved from the first visit. Seems like a lot of heads involved, but not a lot of problem solving. When I took the truck back for this THIRD visit, the main mechanic told me they had another truck in for the same issue and that an engineer from RAM was there. So, I'm willing to give them a little leeway here, as I absolutely love my truck. Got all my mods on it and don't want to start over - wouldn't even know what make to get. I've had Toyota, GMC and Ford. Had problems with all but the Toyota. We shall see, but I'll keep you updated.Let us know what happens after the ESM replacement. My truck is being serviced at OCCDJR and the Service Manager told me he has his best guy on it (18 years with the dealership). The Service Advisor mentioned that they are also conferring with a regional mechanic (possibly FCA corporate?), which I’m wondering if he covers your dealership in LA. TX1500 has some really good insight as well as to possible cause. Something is better than doing nothing![]()