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Tailgate problems…


Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2018
Reaction score
So tailgate is so hard to open when it’s cold… any solution to fixing this? Wd-40 or some type of grease? Thanks
You probably need to be more specific. Are you saying that it's icing up and is tough to get it to move, but then it goes down like normal? Are you saying that it initially moves just fine but it is hard/slow to get it to complete the process of opening? Are you saying that the latch isn't releasing?

It's been plenty cold here in Minnesota lately - lots of -20 mornings where it only gets into the negative single digits during the day - and mine seems to open just fine. I get mine washed often so the only problems I ever have is with a little ice. After a wash, I usually park and then go back outside 10-15 minutes later to open all of the doors and break the ice.
You probably need to be more specific. Are you saying that it's icing up and is tough to get it to move, but then it goes down like normal? Are you saying that it initially moves just fine but it is hard/slow to get it to complete the process of opening? Are you saying that the latch isn't releasing?

It's been plenty cold here in Minnesota lately - lots of -20 mornings where it only gets into the negative single digits during the day - and mine seems to open just fine. I get mine washed often so the only problems I ever have is with a little ice. After a wash, I usually park and then go back outside 10-15 minutes later to open all of the doors and break the ice.
I don’t know if it’s icing up but it’s hard to open the latch when it’s like 35 and below.. takes me ten minutes to almost break it open lots of force.. seems like the locking latch is locking and not opening and can hardly hear it unlocking. No problems when it’s above 50
recently had a similar situation. Couldn't get gate to drop with remote, tried it by hand, could hear the lock actuator working, but no gate drop. Tried to pull it open by hand...no go. Took a plastic trim removal tool and pried it open. Turned out it was iced along the gate upper trim where it meets the Tonneau cover. Hasn't happened since. Yours is probably getting some kind of moisture-ice situation when it's cold.
Mine won't unlatch sometimes (by fob, ceiling button, or tailgate button), but it has nothing to do with ice. I would say it happens every other or maybe third time I try to open it. I have to push in on the top of the tailgate at the same time I press the release button to get it to open.
Good call about tonneau covers. That juncture can cause some ice buildup.
Thank u I will look into that .. also to see what joints need to be lubed
I had a problem with my 2019 Ram tailgate that intermittently could not be opened unless I gave the tailgate a hard push towards the cab. The dealer tried lubricating the latches and it did not work. After talking to Ram they had me take it to the body shop to adjust the knobs that the tailgate laches lock onto. It took the body shop 10 minutes while I waited to adjust the knobs and the tailgate has worked perfectly since the adjustment.
We had a small ice storm here a few weeks ago, and the truck had a combo of ice and snow covering it. I tried to open the tailgate but it was stuck. The button activated though, so I felt like I needed to "push" the tailgate shut to reengage it, but since it never moved, I coulnd't.

On my drive home that afternoon I pulled into my driveway and my tailgate was down. :ROFLMAO: I guess the ice thawed, and since the button had activated that morning, it was just ready to release it as soon as the ice thawed.
Not the same problem, but similar. I had an issue where my tailgate wouldn't stay shut. I say it's similar because it was the locking/unlocking mechanism.
I sprayed the moving parts I could see with WD40 Dry Lube and it solved the problem.
I had a problem with my 2019 Ram tailgate that intermittently could not be opened unless I gave the tailgate a hard push towards the cab. The dealer tried lubricating the latches and it did not work. After talking to Ram they had me take it to the body shop to adjust the knobs that the tailgate laches lock onto. It took the body shop 10 minutes while I waited to adjust the knobs and the tailgate has worked perfectly since the adjustment.
Sounds like my exact issue. I'll give that a try. Thanks!

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