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Tailgate not closed indicator


Ram Guru
Jan 2, 2019
Reaction score
I'm not big on taking my vehicles into dealers for nuisance complaints. Mostly because it takes way less time and effort to resolve on my own. For those of you that have had the tailgate open indicator when you close your tailgate, or for those of you that need to apply slight pressure on the tailgate in order for it to release, the fix is extremely easy. Get a T-45 Torx Bit, loosen the passenger side tailgate strike post, and move it 1/16th to 1/8th inch rearward and retighten. There is a ton of play in that strike post once loosened. You can move it up/down forward/backward. Since I made the adjustment, my tailgate closes with ease using "NORMAL" force (NO NEED TO SLAM), and my dash indicator does not illuminate, unless the tailgate is actually down. And it releases without applying pressure. Takes more time to gather the tools than to make the adjustment.
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Thanks for posting. I just removed my tailgate because I had a bunch of debris stuck in between and wanted to give it a thorough cleaning. I was wondering if it would go back together without and issues with closing/warnings. All is good but this is good info to have.
I'm not big on taking my vehicles into dealers for nuisance complaints. Mostly because it takes way less time and effort to resolve on my own. For those of you that have had the tailgate open indicator when you close your tailgate, or for those of you that need to apply slight pressure on the tailgate in order for it to release, the fix is extremely easy. Get a T-45 Torx Bit, loosen the passenger side tailgate strike post, and move it 1/16th to 1/8th inch rearward and retighten. There is a ton of play in that strike post once loosened. You can move it up/down forward/backward. Since I made the adjustment, my tailgate closes with ease using "NORMAL" force (NO NEED TO SLAM), and my dash indicator does not illuminate, unless the tailgate is actually down. And it releases without applying pressure. Takes more time to gather the tools than to make the adjustment.

Thanks for the adjustment tip. I have been having to nearly put my tailgate in the back seat to get the tailgate open notification to go off :)
You are right, it takes longer to fish the T45 out of the toolbox than it takes to make the adjustment.

Thanks for posting this. The tailgate is a no-slam event now.
I thought it was because my linex was so thick.... but maybe I should check this out. (y)

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