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STINKY 2019 Bighorn 1500 5.7 Hemi


New Member
Nov 25, 2018
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I drove my new Bighorn home just over 2 weeks ago. Park it in the garage. Wife goes out to the garage an hour later, and asks why it stinks of weed?!?! I have about 400 miles on it and the smell is as strong as the day I brought it home???
Anybody else's truck smell like the freshest, greenest weed ever? I feel like it is something burning off the engine but have no idea..
2nd new RAM I had a 2015 brand new and never smelled this on that one.
I had this same issue, it does go away. But i still smell it faintly sometimes. Dealership said maybe it was some tape on the exhaust. Let me know what you find out.
Did you ever find out anything regarding the strange smell? Mine has nearly a thousand miles and it still stinks. I actually had it outside running, and another guy said something about it smells like someone hit a skunk. I don't notice is as much until I park it in the garage and then I really notice it.
YES! Thank god, I'm not the only one. Mine smells like I hit an entire family of stoner skunks, backed up and hit them again. Very noticeable, as I also park in the garage. I have just over 600 miles on it now, and it's a bit fainter, but still there.
I've had dozens of new cars over the past 30 years and they all have that standard engine/exhaust break-in smell, but this one.....is special.
Same here up in Green Bay, WI; I actually asked my Wife is someone was over who may have been smoking.

I too have a 2019 Ram 1500 Laramie that smells just like skunk weed. 300 miles can't pull it into my garage or small creeps into my home. Did not have this issue with my 17 Laramie. Any update on this issue?
Sorry all you guys have this issue but this is the best thread yet. I was laughing thinking of you getting pulled over for something and having the officer come up and say so have you been smoking?? I can see it now, no sir, its the truck!!!
Lmao funny my mom asked if I was smoking when I went to show her the Rebel. It’s pretty much gone now after 500 miles.
Hahahahaha I just brought my new truck home last week, and every time I walk into the garage I smell it.... Exactly like you describe.... Lol
I’ve smelled the same scent. Although not that strong I thought it was just something with the new motor...
Lol,yup same here. Think it’s ram thing with leather. Mines slowly going away but still is there
About 1400 miles on mine and I don't smell it anymore.
Mine is the smell of koon ****. I thought my dealer (Koons) was playing a joke on me! My wife immediately noticed it and thought weed like the rest of you stoners as well... Bless her heart.

Mine is a Nov 10 build and it smells strongest outside, forward, on the passenger side. 1300 miles in and it's still just as noticable.
I wouldn't say mine smelled like weed (on the outside - on the inside, maybe! (just in case there are any RISP Troopers on this forum, of course I am just kidding!!!!!)).

It started out smelling more like burning brake pads, and then morphed into a mushroom/fungus odor which was more prevalent at the rear of the truck, and it went away after about two weeks.
I just picked my limited up last week and have noticed the exact same thing. I was thinking at first maybe someone hid their stash in it when it was on the assembly line and I'd have a great day when I found it.
I have the same smell with mine. It seems to have diminished since I first got it, but it is still there. I am currently at just over 1,000 miles. It is definitely more noticeable after parking in the garage for 30 minutes or so. I smell it the most at the front of the truck around the grill.
I just bought my truck, it was transported, I figured the transporter was partying...……… I just about got into a brawl over it. LOL

Then I figured during shipping some mutt, was in the truck partying...……..

I'm glad it's not just me.

I love this blog, I need to read it before I get my BP up.

I need screenshots of this to make a case to the cops incase I get pulled over lol
LOL - exactly the same thing here. When I brought the new truck home yesterday, my wife opened the door and sat down in the truck and said "Someone lit up in here", looking at me LOL
Well Michigan where your truck was built Voted yes on proposal 1 and it is now legal for recreational skunk? o_O

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