Numbers can help us make decisions, but it really important to put them into full context - where do they come from and what exactly do they tell us?
My short response to your comment
@Mohab would be yes, it is concerning but we should consider a few things about that raw number as we decide what actions we should take. I will be inspecting my vehicle closely based on the
big problems this forum has identified, and if I see them I will ask the dealer to fix them before I drive off the lot.
The good news is most of the big problems have identified fixes in the works (crossed fingers for the clunk) with the possible exception of weak AC which at least can be tested. So that’s how I am addressing my concerns on my way to hopefully being happy with my purchase.
- This is not a scientific poll, so the possible error range + or - identifying overall defect numbers in the fleet is large.
- Forums understandably collect a higher than average ratio of owners having problems as they seek solutions. Exactly how much higher we don’t know.
- The wording of this poll asks about
any problem requiring a service visit... that means it collects many small problems in with the large ones. Determining which problems are the BIG ones is needed, and a bit of reading is required in addition to viewing the raw numbers.
Before joining this forum I may have glossed over the inspection or not known what to look for. I’m not expecting perfection, but
I am expecting all issues to be fixed before I drive off the lot, and this forum has armed me with the knowledge I need to do a thorough, careful, and focused inspection. Given this approach, I think anyone would be much more likely to be a “Happy Camper.”