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Start of 2024 Production

yes sorry - TDM is targeted direct mailer (remember mail?!) it is the coupon you get in your email when you put in your contact info on ramtrucks.com
I've seen some work for 2024s and some not - have to enter the code to see what comes out for program rules.
one more question anthony, can you combine TDM coupons. i have one from ram 1000 and one from trucar 500 can i use both or only one?
So my truck was originally scheduled for delivery on 09/13/2023. Then on Saturday it was pushed out to 09/21/2023. I checked this morning it was still 09/21/2023. I just checked again cause impatient and it got bumped to 09/08/2023 !

Kinda bumped cause I have a jammed packed weekend and I can only go grab her on the weekend :( .. dealership is few hours away from me. Ugh
Hope I can rearrange some things and go get her this weekend! If not, then I’ll go on 09/16/2023


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one more question anthony, can you combine TDM coupons. i have one from ram 1000 and one from trucar 500 can i use both or only one?
Not usually. The trucar, perksatwork, and TDM are all the same type so usually cannot be combined.
Similarly, you can't be affiliate AND employee.
Hope they don't cut corners rushing through it!!!
The line moves at a set speed. Don't worry about rushing. The UAW are company employed people, but yes if there is a strike, that stops everything on plant grounds.
The line moves at a set speed. Don't worry about rushing. The UAW are company employed people, but yes if there is a strike, that stops everything on plant grounds.
I just hope the strike, or better yet - the outcome doesn't result in disgruntled employees who may take their frustration on our trucks in the form of sloppy or careless work.
I just hope the strike, or better yet - the outcome doesn't result in disgruntled employees who may take their frustration on our trucks in the form of sloppy or careless work.
Either they are happy and sign a contract, or there is no work. There will be a strike. The union wants to get rid of the 2 tier system, but Ford's proposal, wants unlimited tier 2 workers, with cut health care, and no retirement benefits of any kind. The union is looking for 32 hours work for 40 hours pay, which is ridiculous, but I think they put that as a give away, to get rid of the even more ridiculous 2 tier system.
Either they are happy and sign a contract, or there is no work. There will be a strike. The union wants to get rid of the 2 tier system, but Ford's proposal, wants unlimited tier 2 workers, with cut health care, and no retirement benefits of any kind. The union is looking for 32 hours work for 40 hours pay, which is ridiculous, but I think they put that as a give away, to get rid of the even more ridiculous 2 tier system.
Yeah, and that's the problem. Any way you skin this cat, I don't see an agreement which appeases them simply because some of their demands are absolutely ludicrous. Any agreement they sign will mean they had to make some concessions. No way the big 3 come anywhere near what the UAW demands.

Selfishly I'm genuinely concerned about reliability issues with the truck if it's abandoned mid-build or built after the strike.
Yeah, and that's the problem. Any way you skin this cat, I don't see an agreement which appeases them simply because some of their demands are absolutely ludicrous. Any agreement they sign will mean they had to make some concessions. No way the big 3 come anywhere near what the UAW demands.

Selfishly I'm genuinely concerned about reliability issues with the truck if it's abandoned mid-build or built after the strike.
I'm not. The employees who sabotage stuff, will do that at any time. It used to be bad in the 70s, and 80s. I wasn't UAW, but my union used to always tell us, a fair days work, for a fair days pay. Right up until the deadline, they are getting exactly what the last contract called for. No reason to do anything different. If there is a strike, nobody will be there sabotaging things. When the strike is settled, they will be happy with the contract, or they wouldn't settle.
I'm not. The employees who sabotage stuff, will do that at any time. It used to be bad in the 70s, and 80s. I wasn't UAW, but my union used to always tell us, a fair days work, for a fair days pay. Right up until the deadline, they are getting exactly what the last contract called for. No reason to do anything different. If there is a strike, nobody will be there sabotaging things. When the strike is settled, they will be happy with the contract, or they wouldn't settle.
Valid points
I just got my build sheet as well. Mine does list the wireless charging pad, so it must not be due to specifically to the G/T package as I ordered a Level 2 Rebel G/T. I can't comment on the fuel tank as I specifically ordered the 33 gallon one.
Any updates for your Rebel G/T yet? My Laramie G/T is still "In Production". Got the Built Sheet, so should be done but needs inspection to be "Built" and "Shipped". I feel like today should be that day for us, although the Tracker might not tell us until tomorrow. 🙏
Any updates for your Rebel G/T yet? My Laramie G/T is still "In Production". Got the Built Sheet, so should be done but needs inspection to be "Built" and "Shipped". I feel like today should be that day for us, although the Tracker might not tell us until tomorrow. 🙏

If/when you have sticker listed, your truck has completed inspection.
Same, just have the build sheet as of now. Hoping to see the Window Sticker show up sometime today.
I wouldn't hold your breath on that. You've got a lot of options that get added at the body vendor (that happens after the build sheet is produced).
I wouldn't hold your breath on that. You've got a lot of options that get added at the body vendor (that happens after the build sheet is produced).
"Dream Killer" is appropriate!😂
Both of ours have been at "Body Vendor" since Tues/Weds..how long would be typical..my 2023 Laramie G/T (same options as my 2024) was In Production for 8 days total..and today is 8 days for our 2024s.
"Dream Killer" is appropriate!😂
Both of ours have been at "Body Vendor" since Tues/Weds..how long would be typical..my 2023 Laramie G/T (same options as my 2024) was In Production for 8 days total..and today is 8 days for our 2024s.
I don't know that there's a "typical" duration for the body vendor. If you're just getting a decal, it would be pretty quick. Or just bed steps. But both of those, plus bedliner, etc., etc, I could see it taking more than a day. That's if there are no backups. A while back (I believe it was during the 2022 model year), they ran out of bedliner spray. So trucks started piling up waiting for that.
I don't know that there's a "typical" duration for the body vendor. If you're just getting a decal, it would be pretty quick. Or just bed steps. But both of those, plus bedliner, etc., etc, I could see it taking more than a day. That's if there are no backups. A while back (I believe it was during the 2022 model year), they ran out of bedliner spray. So trucks started piling up waiting for that.
Yep, I guess it's basically another assembly line..decals, bedliner, floorboards, etc, etc..plus order and timing of that line.🤔

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