Active Member
Being customer numero uno for the Fiberwerx wide body kit for the 19 DT there was absolutely no information out there on the install process, fit, finish and quality of the kit. I figured I would make a small post on the subject matter to enlighten anyone who may be on the fence or interested in this addition to their truck.
Quality: This is one of the nicest set of fiberglass pieces I have ever received. The finish is nice, no spider cracks out of the crate and the packing was decent. The glass is thick and seems to have been laid out properly without any delamination.
Fit: The kit was not perfect and does require work to make it fit, this is not a knock on Fiberwerx, glass products are never as good as a stamped steel product. You need to know this going in. It was far better than I am used to however. I had tabs off location and on the wrong angles, Pitch changes in the glass from left to right side and the tailgate would not fit the truck as delivered. The front fender extensions will also not work on a Rebel, they are standard DT, again not a knock on Fiberwerx. It would have been nice however if there were bumper extensions provided as the fenders stick far past the factory bumper. I assume most people running this kit would be running a pre runner style bumper though so this would not be an issue to them.
Install process: NOT FOR THE FAINT OF HEART!!!! The front is relatively straight forward, just take your time and shim/trim the new panels where necessary to get the fit correct. You will need to drill your own holes for the fasteners and clips. It fits pretty well right out the box without much additional work on your end. This is not where the commitment lies.........the rear is another story. Be prepared to cut up your brand new in my case 72K dollar truck, yes up Canadians get killed on prices. The box sides require full removal, then the sub structure at the front of the box requires trimming. The fiberglass at the rear will require flush cutting to the box seam for the tailgate to fit. Its all in all not terribly bad and once you make the first cut you realize you are committed and get to see the whole thing through now. You need to be comfortable with body work and have a big enough set of balls to commit to such a process on a brand new truck. I have over 25 hours and 2 cases of beer in it right now and I still have to level the panels, paint it and make front bumper extensions(started on this today)
Thoughts: If you want to stand out among all the other sister trucks out there this is a damn good way to do it. My shop is in a FCA facility so I have hundreds of Rebels and DTs sitting outside, they look small in comparison to this one now. I am happy with the results, it has been an emotional roller coaster of what the hell did I just do to my truck, to wow what a stance, she is THICC and wide. A true TRX in the making..............just have to get the Hellcat motor in there now.
Any questions please ask, I apologize for not logging a true how to. This was quite the process without stopping to take pictures.

Quality: This is one of the nicest set of fiberglass pieces I have ever received. The finish is nice, no spider cracks out of the crate and the packing was decent. The glass is thick and seems to have been laid out properly without any delamination.
Fit: The kit was not perfect and does require work to make it fit, this is not a knock on Fiberwerx, glass products are never as good as a stamped steel product. You need to know this going in. It was far better than I am used to however. I had tabs off location and on the wrong angles, Pitch changes in the glass from left to right side and the tailgate would not fit the truck as delivered. The front fender extensions will also not work on a Rebel, they are standard DT, again not a knock on Fiberwerx. It would have been nice however if there were bumper extensions provided as the fenders stick far past the factory bumper. I assume most people running this kit would be running a pre runner style bumper though so this would not be an issue to them.
Install process: NOT FOR THE FAINT OF HEART!!!! The front is relatively straight forward, just take your time and shim/trim the new panels where necessary to get the fit correct. You will need to drill your own holes for the fasteners and clips. It fits pretty well right out the box without much additional work on your end. This is not where the commitment lies.........the rear is another story. Be prepared to cut up your brand new in my case 72K dollar truck, yes up Canadians get killed on prices. The box sides require full removal, then the sub structure at the front of the box requires trimming. The fiberglass at the rear will require flush cutting to the box seam for the tailgate to fit. Its all in all not terribly bad and once you make the first cut you realize you are committed and get to see the whole thing through now. You need to be comfortable with body work and have a big enough set of balls to commit to such a process on a brand new truck. I have over 25 hours and 2 cases of beer in it right now and I still have to level the panels, paint it and make front bumper extensions(started on this today)
Thoughts: If you want to stand out among all the other sister trucks out there this is a damn good way to do it. My shop is in a FCA facility so I have hundreds of Rebels and DTs sitting outside, they look small in comparison to this one now. I am happy with the results, it has been an emotional roller coaster of what the hell did I just do to my truck, to wow what a stance, she is THICC and wide. A true TRX in the making..............just have to get the Hellcat motor in there now.
Any questions please ask, I apologize for not logging a true how to. This was quite the process without stopping to take pictures.