First, I didn't say oil vapor burned the wires...I said if oil vapor IGNITED that it *
could* have burned the wires. But even I now doubt myself, but I'll get back to that.
Second...The amount of assumptions you make about knowing what happened in this case is staggering. Sometimes an engine seizing happens quickly, other times not. You have no way of knowing what happened in this case, yet you assume it was damn near immediate catastrophic mechanical breakdown, because it supports your other assumptions.
For example...
start watching around 1:35 to save yourself some time. You sticking with your assumption that there couldn't have been enough heat to cause other damage? Based on this, plus the many other similar videos I'm modifying my suggestion about the oil vapor igniting... It could have been heat from the headers...but I don't know.
All I'm trying to say is that it's POSSIBLE...
My point stands that you, nor I, simply cannot know what happened in the OP's situation.