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RamBoxes: Yes or No


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Jun 11, 2021
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Are they worth $1,000?

For those of you that have them, do you have alignment issues, watertight issues? Other issues/likes. I know they impact payload and shrink the bed size. Neither would be an issue for me. So would you order them again? I'm a junkie for storage so they have that appeal to me. Would you order them again?

For those that do not have them, do you regret not ordering them?

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I have them. I keep minor tools and recovery rope/shackles in them. Mine is misaligned and I need to take it in.

I’d probably not do it again and save the coin. They’re nice, but potentially not worth the reduced bed and cost as I could just put a bin in the bed and hold it in with a cargo bar.

Tailgating would be fun tho since they have a built in drain. But a cooler would do a better job.
I have a 2021 Longhorn that I purchased “new to me” with 10,000 miles on it and it already had the Ram Boxes on it. For the type of work I do, I absolutely love them. I would like to add a roll top to cover on my bed, and before, having a toolbox and a bed cover just didn’t work well. However, I feel I could add that roll top later, plus have two very awesome storage spaces with the Ram Boxes. All are entitled to their opinions and all use their truck beds differently, but for me, the Ram Boxes do not significantly reduce space. In my opinion, they maximize the space before and after the humps in the bed over the back tires, making dead space usable. I strongly recommend them, but again, folks will have various needs. My driver’s side Ram Box started opening on its own after I turned the truck off, but with help from this site and the local service center, they fixed it (was a wiring issue covered under a TSB). Never had water get in (multiple pressure washings, etc.) The dividers you can buy to maximize the space in the Ram Boxes appear to be a great way to make the boxes even more useful instead of pilling stuff in them, but the dividers are too expensive in my opinion. Hope this helps.

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Not that I carry large cargo in it everywhere I go but the beds are small enough without them so I opted not to get it
It really depends on what you carry in your truck bed. I don't tend to carry much. I mainly use the rear 1/3 of the bed, so the ramboxes were perfect for me when combined with the bed divider. Add the MFT and a tonneau cover and it's basically a large adjustable trunk.

MFT open.jpg

Many of us have had issues with rambox lid alignment. They can look warped. Mine had that issue as well, but after learning how to adjust the lids it looks a ton better. If you're someone who is bothered by this cosmetic issue you might want to take a look at a few trucks with ramboxes to see if it's something you can live with.
No issues with water. Hmm my lids may not be completely aligned never really noticed or paid attention if they did.

Would I buy them again… absolutely. Actually one of the short list reasons why I upgraded from my 4th Gen non Rambox Rams to my 5th gen. Never knew I needed ramboxes until I started doing shutdown work. Got annoying real fast having to unload my tools from job site to job site then pack again to head to the next. Or having to climb in the bed every time I needed a simple tool. Now I just walk to the truck grab what I need and not having to worry about locking those tool boxes every time either. Talked to a random rambox owner locally at the grocery store when he parked next to me and I asked him if he mind if I looked inside of his and I was sold. Some need that extra fender well space. I never recalled needing it with my previous truck so ir was never a second thought.

My $.2

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It’s like this… if you value bed space, don’t get them. If you think you might get a cap, don’t get them. If you’re looking to stow a bunch of smaller items on the regular, get them.

I don’t have them, but have wished I did at times and it’s hard to find a comparable after market solution. On the flip side, I’ve been glad to have the extra bed space and am over-the-top happy with the topper/cap and bedslide combo that I landed on, so it all worked out.
Definitely worth it for us. We use them all the time and the inside of the boxes stay dry even during the heaviest Florida downpours and touchless car washes. No problems with alignment or other issues although we did have to get a module replaced awhile back because the driver's side would open on it's own sometimes. It was an easy warranty fix and hasn't been a problem since. Really don't want a truck without them in the future.
Use them all the time. Had them on my 2014 (bought used and thought I'd try them), and I will never buy another Ram without them... except maybe a TRX someday. My passenger side one always has my jump starter, and in the winter it also has my recovery strap and associated gear. Driver side is always empty for groceries and other shopping... I mean tools and guns! 😁
It’s like this… if you value bed space, don’t get them. If you think you might get a cap, don’t get them. If you’re looking to stow a bunch of smaller items on the regular, get them.

I don’t have them, but have wished I did at times and it’s hard to find a comparable after market solution. On the flip side, I’ve been glad to have the extra bed space and am over-the-top happy with the topper/cap and bedslide combo that I landed on, so it all worked out.
You would need to buy a DiamondBack Tonneau ($$$) but they do have a batch of accessories.

Save the $$$ on the Ram Box and go with a DiamondBack with appropriate accessories.
Well I don't have any use for them but even if I did I wouldn't get them. Don't like the looks of them at all and TO ME they are a distraction to the looks of the truck.
One of the key reasons I got a Ram and would definitely buy them again.

Slight warping on one side but after adjusting myself they look fine and open/close easily. I keep the passenger side almost full (like a trunk) with go bag, hitch, tow straps, etc. The driver's side is normally empty and I put groceries in there. I love the looks in the parking lot as I load up easily from the cart. I also lock my wife's purse or computer bag in there for more security when needed.

I've got a folding bed cover that works great with it. One of the best features of the truck!
I have 2021 with RAM boxes and do like them a lot. Easy to drop in small bags of groceries. No warping. Have to be careful when closing. No notifications if you drive off and leave them open.

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I thought about getting them, but didn't think the $1,000 was worth it. I probably would've found them useful, but I haven't missed them.
I love my RAM Boxes!

This is my first pickup after years of sedans and sports cars. I'm used to a trunk. I find that I use the RAM Box in two different ways:

Around the town: Use it for tools, cloth grocery bags, etc. It keeps things neat, tidy and accessible.
Trips: My truck bed is typically jammed full of gear. So I use the RAM Box for things I want quick access to. My biking gear (helmets, shoes, pump, etc.) for when we stop for a quick ride. Also I keep a windex bottle handy for cleaning the windshield at rest stops, ice scrapers, etc.

It has been pointed out that a tool box should be adequate, maybe even superior. I don't argue with this. But the RAM Box is just so easy to access!

Regarding the loss of bed space. This is pretty minor for me. When I needed extra space, I just used the bed divider as a bed extender. (See threads on this if you are interested.)

Is it worth $1,000? No way for anybody to answer this for anybody else. It was definitely worth it to me.

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