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Pull Capacity Build

No truck manufacturer is going to build 1/2 ton truck to be equal to the 3/4 or the 3/4 ton to the 1 ton. Profit is highest off the 1/2 ton more than the other two. It would be economic suicide for to produce a 1/2 nearing the 3/4 ton. The statement was made towing 10000 lbs in the wind. The 1500 1/2 ton is not a 3/4 ton but the 1/2 tons have increased dramatically in the last couple of generation compared to the 3/4 tons in pulling. The point is 10000 lbs covers many many recreational pulls the 1/2 is capable of at a much lower price pulling what used to take a 3/4 ton and more money to pull 9000 to 11000 Lbs. Wonder what the 3/4 ton has in store for upcoming 19 0r 20 and price will most certainly be up on the 3/4.
No truck manufacturer is going to build 1/2 ton truck to be equal to the 3/4 or the 3/4 ton to the 1 ton. Profit is highest off the 1/2 ton more than the other two. It would be economic suicide for to produce a 1/2 nearing the 3/4 ton. The statement was made towing 10000 lbs in the wind. The 1500 1/2 ton is not a 3/4 ton but the 1/2 tons have increased dramatically in the last couple of generation compared to the 3/4 tons in pulling. The point is 10000 lbs covers many many recreational pulls the 1/2 is capable of at a much lower price pulling what used to take a 3/4 ton and more money to pull 9000 to 11000 Lbs. Wonder what the 3/4 ton has in store for upcoming 19 0r 20 and price will most certainly be up on the 3/4.

Alright man there's some stuff to unpack here. But before I do I wanna clarify my intentions and how I feel
1) This is not a gotcha
2) I have massive respect for your taste in vehicles, I would 100% own/drive both/either of your rides, without much alteration.
And I'm extremely picky!

So I'm going to disassemble some thoughts you already have in your post, and construct them differently, and see what we get

The point is 10000 lbs covers many many recreational pulls the 1/2 is capable of at a much lower price pulling what used to take a 3/4 ton and more money to pull 9000 to 11000 Lbs.

Contradicts this

No truck manufacturer is going to build 1/2 ton truck to be equal to the 3/4 or the 3/4 ton to the 1 ton.

As we're saying in some contexts, not all, in some, they did EXACTLY that. Capabilities are up across the board, as is power, and comfort, refinement etc.
And they did it because of this:

Profit is highest off the 1/2 ton more than the other two.

Which also contradicts this:

It would be economic suicide for to produce a 1/2 nearing the 3/4 ton.

They have every incentive to do it, and we were sorta saying, one could argue, in some ways they DID do it, and because it was more profitable.

If they could make a 3/4ton 1/2ton, they would. Truck buyers are capability buyers. Look at how many guys assumed their truck had 1800lbs payload?
They never saw their doorsticker, they didn't know what it was or that it mattered for stuff beyond tires!
The claims got so ridiculous we ended up with J2807 to at least have a universal set of standards.

Now as all these trucks got more capable? The trailers started to get heavier.
Now people are trying to put more in them.
The reality is, while 1/2tons are more capable, so are the bigger trucks.
3/4tons > 1/2tons, then and now, despite the gains of the 1/2ton trucks.
If you buy a stripped down Ford F-150 with payload package, the doorsticker is going to be crazy.
If you get a Ford F-250 diesel platinum, it might have a lower payload than the above truck.
But if we towed with both, the point stands, the 3/4tons are superior are handling heavy towing in adverse conditions.
The point also stands that if the truck makers could make an ultra capable 1/2ton, they would.
The reality is, ride comfort also sells. It's a catch 22.
Ram went to the air suspension ,to get a vehicle that could level with heavy payloads AND ride well.
It's a tough ask for a vehicle to do both, despite the climbing capabilities of these trucks as a whole.

Arguably Ford does that, with their payload package. And it rides like it!
There's no free lunch, the ride is stiffer on a vehicle that needs to control heavier payloads. That's kinda just how it is.
If they could? They would, and they're trying. (See: Payload packages and air suspensions)
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I could say and post more but see no use or gain. To all their own is my moto.

I respect that sentiment, and you as a poster!

And I'll say it again, great truck!
And I'm envious of that charger

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