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Post your engine parameters while driving

Celtic Sun

Active Member
Sep 3, 2018
Reaction score
Just curious as to what everyone else's coolant temp, oil temp and trans temps are reading on their 5.7 V8.
The reason I am asking is, yesterday I drive my Laramie to the store. When I pulled into the parking lot and got out I noticed a splashing sound. I walked around to the front of the truck and saw pink liquid splashing down from under the right side of the bumper. I popped the hood and noticed the coolant resevoir's cap was slightly ****ed off. I dipped my finger into the fluid that had spilled and it had a sweet smell to it and was slightly sticky... definitely coolant. I drive the truck home while monitoring all the temperatures. Nothing got close to the halfway point of any temp Gage. I took the truck to the dealer today and told them what happened. They did a seventeen point inspection and checked for leaks. Everything came back satisfactory. I guess maybe it was the reservoir cap being slightly off.... hopefully.
Yeah, pressurized systems don't work well when they're unable to pressurize. Good catch on the reservoir cap. My engine temp never makes it to halfway.
Thanks for the info guys. Today, as I pulled into the dealer, with outside temperatures at 65 degrees Fahrenheit, my gages read:

Engine coolant: 212 degrees
Trans temp: 179 degrees
Oil temp: 213 degrees

Guess that's pretty normal then.
Coolant Temp: 215
Trans Temp: 174
Oil Temp: 215
Oil Pressure: 52
Coolant Temp: 206
Trans Temp: 186
Oil Temp: 221
Oil Pressure: 52

Highway driving at 80mph for up to 30-40 minutes.
As soon as I stop my coolant temps climb up to around 225 sometimes. Not sure if this is normal
That's normal. Coolant flow is reduced at idle and there's less airflow through the radiator. If the truck needs any more cooling, the fan will remove the heat.
Rolled to a stop and recorded:
Coolant 199
Tranny 185
Oil 210
Oil press 34 psi
Outside air 52
Interesting thread, I'll have to check mine while driving. Is there a minimum temp you let your oil get to before driving? Or does that not really matter? I noticed my oil temp was 32 when I started it the other day.
Just drive it. It'll warm up on its own.

When I remote start my truck, it's more for my comfort and having the windshield clear than anything mechanical.
Coolant- 205º
Trans- 186º
Oil- 206º
Oil pressure- 49 psi (cruising speed)

30º ambient temp

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