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Order Tracking

Funny exchange the last few days with my dealer. I already know they're worthless but I hadn't tried to message them in over a month, and I was bored.

Wednesday night I emailed my Sales Manager Tom saying the truck wasn't here yet (when I got the VIN he guaranteed it would be here by the 2nd week of August) and asked for a status update knowing chip shortage and SHAP shut downs are effecting the production date. I even mentioned the 9/10 production date I saw someone estimate on here.

The next morning (Thursday) he replied saying he'd call me later in the day after he looked into it. He didn't call. Friday morning I replied saying I found a '21 Rebel at another dealer and was going to test drive it on Saturday, and if it had enough of what I wanted I'd probably get it and cancel my '22 order. In this email I also reminded him email was the best way to contact me because I have bad cell reception. This is what I told him when we first put the order in, and when I got the VIN.

I kid you not, a few hours later someone else from the dealer called and left me a voicemail saying...."Your truck has a VIN! It just went into what's called D status about 3 days ago, this is when they begin collecting the parts for your truck, so it's on its way to being built!" He was so enthusiastic.

And apparently so dumb. Or they think I'm dumb.

Either way I rolled my eyes and went and test drove the Rebel. I loved everything about it except the AC. It was about 105F outside and after a 20 minute test drive with the fans on full blast and the temp at the lowest setting, I was still "moist" sweating. I thought maybe it was that particular truck so I did another 20 minute test drive in a Big Horn and it had the same issue.
The janky 2002 Toyota Highlander I'm driving right now has better cooling AC. What's up with that? This has me worried about the MY22's AC.
Any word on if the production line opened this week as expected? Anyone's status change?
Yeah, that’s old news from last week. The factory is open this week - still turning out 2021’s. Rumor is they’ll start 2022’s on 9/11. And as mentioned above, they’re on OT.
It really shouldn’t be OT on Saturday, since they didn’t work on Monday. But that’s the Unions for you. I’m a right-to-work guy myself.
My Truck supposedly is finished and has shipped, but I don't have a window sticker yet, so I guess we'll see when it shows up.
Update, my truck actually has shipped and window sticker showed up this morning, 20 Weeks from Order to Window sticker/Shipped status. Looks like the last 2021's are getting sent out finally.
Update, my truck actually has shipped and window sticker showed up this morning, 20 Weeks from Order to Window sticker/Shipped status. Looks like the last 2021's are getting sent out finally.
Whoa, seriously? I hadn't been following much since my truck came in. It's pretty close to the twin of yours, but with 33gal tank and without the eTorque, Anti-spin, or Uconnect (same color, cab, bed length, etc.). Picked it up at the end of July, ordered one day before you.

The good news is, you'll love it one it arrives. Finally got the discrete Stormtrooper sticker put on it last week and waiting for permanent registration and plates to come through, but enjoying the heck out of it.
Update, my truck actually has shipped and window sticker showed up this morning, 20 Weeks from Order to Window sticker/Shipped status. Looks like the last 2021's are getting sent out finally.

this might be what we have been waiting for

20 weeks is a lot longer then the chart that is put up here.

Lets hope the time gets shorter.

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