1. Rear window/brake leak
1b. Rear speaker cutout
2. Active Tuned Mass issue
3. Tick before warmed up
4. Sudden (?) large mileage loss
And a bad dealer.
The bad dealer issue is the icing on the cake. It sets the mood and infuses every bite.
Number 1 should have been a goodwill repair. There is a class-action lawsuit underway. Stay informed on it. Keep all your paperwork on repairs, write a note about anything else you've suffered (time, lost opportunity, other expense) due to the rear window leak. A lawsuit is may or may not set you right.
1b. Yeah, odd. Maybe some other water damage? Pull the speakers and inspect them. Include that in the notes about the window leak.
I'm getting my window replaced (19,000 miles). Once it's home, I'll be using Permatex flowable silicone window sealant like a mofo around it. Belts and suspenders... I don't want to go through this again.
2. Sounds like road damage. That's on you. Soldering is a great solution for broken wires.
3. Tick: classic exhaust manifold (if it's the one that goes away after warmup). That was covered. So, bad design, but you're repaired, right?
4. Yeah, that NEEDS some investigating. Something is wrong when an engine starts consuming double the fuel it used to. It should be covered under your powertrain. Get on it. Get noisy, contact RamCares. Get an invoice written up on it. Paperwork is proof. Document your concern, the mileage, the date, and what the dealer says the issue is (or isn't). Then keep on them.
Overall, yeah, not a great experience. Number 1/1b is a crappy dealer. But, before any vehicle gets within a few thousand of a bumper-to-bumper expiring, I go over it, hard, to make sure I haven't missed something. Sucks. Contact Ramcares?
With the crappy dealer, I'd be nervous about number 4, but if you have paperwork and some support, I think you'll be set right.
TL;DR: Involve RamCares, document everything, get the Service Manager's cell phone number. Push, but don't be an a.ss.