First off, you're going to love either truck you choose, they are AWESOME! Having said that, do not get Etorque - it is a total waste of money and it will cost you in maintenance costs down the road. The battery alone is going to be expensive and if the electric motor goes out, wow. Anyway, this system does absolutely nothing for the truck. It's an expensive stop start system, instead of your starter making the engine start, it's the belt that does the work. And yes, there are some engineers that say it provides a boost to get going but that's so minimal it does not make a difference. Do not get ETorque no matter what truck you decide on. On the other hand, these sun roofs are amazing and fun as heck. I have one and I never used to use sun roofs before, even though I had them, but these are different in where almost the entire roof provides light, and it opens with a wind defuser. You want it shut and block the sun, no problem, simply hit the button to close the panel and it's like the sunroof was never there in the first place. The only issues with leakage were the early models where the drain tubes were not connected all the way from the factory and now there is an easy way to check for that and make sure they were connected properly. They don't leak any other way, it was just these tubes not getting pulled through. I'm an engineer and I look at everything to see where failure can/will occur. When I examined the sun roof for any other way to leak, there just isn't any. It's a very nice system and these roofs I found are used on Jeep Cherokees for years with no issues. Short answer, stay away from Etorque and go with sunroof no matter what you decide. Oh, and by the way, if you can get your hands on a 2019 Limited, there is no stop start button or stop start system at all. I believe all other models have the "A" button for start stop. I hate start stop crap it sucks.