It's listed in my information below my posts. 9/24/2018 on second shift. I would have thought that after they had been building this 5th gen for that long that quality would have been on par.
It's really sad. FCA has a world class design and top notch interior materials. But..., they have complete slop quality. Even worse quality control. Many things in my truck should have been caught in a factory quality inspection. I guess that's a management thing. I doubt if the assembly workers give a ____ either.
Quick check of the calendar shows that was a Monday...and if by second shift you mean the morning/daytime shift then that would perpetuate the well worn legend about issues with vehicles built on a Monday morning. Maybe they were all hungover from the weekend.
Anyway, to each is own but, why did you never file a Lemon Law claim? Your predicament sounds like a textbook example of a lemon and would fall under the guidelines for a buyback/replacement by them.
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